Anatomy of Ankle
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Anatomy of Ankle

Overview The ankle is one of the most versatile and hardworking joints in the human body. It smoothly adjusts with each step to absorb shock, adapt to uneven terrain, and provide the stability and mobility necessary for activities from walking to jumping. Comprised of an intricate network of bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves, and…

Easy Ankle Rehabilitation Exercises You Can Do at Home
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Easy Ankle Rehabilitation Exercises You Can Do at Home

After an ankle sprain, it is necessary to start doing exercises again as soon as you can. You may be stiff and sore, but the sooner you get it moving, the faster you will recover, and the better you will avoid further injury. Range-of-motion exercises and simple stretching should be started first. Next, proceed to…

Plantar Fibroma
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Plantar Fibroma

What is Plantar Fibroma? A plantar fibroma refers to a fibrous nodule within the arch of the foot, nestled within the plantar fascia, a tissue band stretching from the heel to the toes on the underside of the foot. This benign (nonmalignant) condition can manifest in either one or both feet and typically persists or…

Ankle Foot Orthosis
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Ankle Foot Orthosis

Introduction Foot and ankle orthoses AFOs are external biomechanical devices that are used on the lower limbs to enhance gait and the physical functioning of the diseased lower limb by stabilizing the joints. By providing foot clearance, limiting or assisting ankle and foot ROM, such as dorsiflexion and plantar flexion, improving balance, lowering the risk…

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What is a Hemiepiphysiodesis? Hemiepiphysiodesis is a surgical procedure performed on growing bones to correct angular deformities, typically in the long bones of the legs, such as the femur and tibia. This procedure involves the partial growth plate arrest, which aims to guide the growth of the bone in a more desirable direction, thereby correcting…