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  • Nitesh Patel - Physiotherapist


Hemifacial Spasm (Face Twitching)

What is a Hemifacial Spasm? Hemifacial spasm is a neuromuscular disorder characterized by involuntary contractions or twitching of the muscles on one side of the...

ફિઝિયોથેરાપી – સ્વસ્થ જીવન માટેની ચાવી

પ્રસ્તાવના (Introduction) શું તમે ઈચ્છો છો કે તમે વધુ સારી રીતે હળવળ કરી શકો, દુઃખાવામાંથી રાહત મેળવી શકો અને તમારા રોજિંદા જીવનમાં વધુ સક્રિય રહી...

Understanding Abdominal Cramps During Pregnancy

Abdominal cramps during pregnancy

Hammer Toe

What is a Hammer Toe? Hammer toe is a common foot deformity characterized by an abnormal bend in one or more of the smaller toes....

Business Listing Directories for Physical Therapy Clinic

Is Your Practice Visible Online? Internet-based directories for businesses Look up your physical therapy clinic online and see that it is a locally owned company....

Understanding Tenderness

What is a Tenderness? Tenderness, a term frequently encountered in medical examinations, refers to the discomfort or pain experienced by a patient upon touching a...

7 Best Exercises For Stooped Posture

Exercises for stooped posture are essential for correcting the hunch, enhancing mobility, and strengthening muscles to promote better posture. Importance of Exercises For Stooped Posture...

How to Adjust Calorie Intake and Its Role?

Calorie is the unit of energy and for livelihood, you do need energy. Energy requirements are different for different people. For example, Males and females...

Will a Belly Button Infection Go Away On Its Own?

A belly button infection may not always resolve on its own. It’s crucial to maintain proper hygiene, avoid picking at the area, and, most importantly,...

Abdominal Regions

What is an Abdominal Region? The abdomen is a crucial region of the human body, housing several vital organs responsible for digestion, excretion, and reproduction....