A special test of the circulation & swelling :

A special test of the circulation & swelling :

  • These tests are applied to the clinic to measure the swelling in the hand.
  • This clinical test is applied to a therapist or doctor when the swelling is present at the hand.
  • This swelling is checked in the observation part of the assessment of the hand.

Name of the special test of the circulation & swelling:

  • Digit blood flow
  • Hand volume test

Digit blood flow:-

What is the purpose of the digit blood flow?

Digit blood flow
Digit blood flow
  • This digit blood flow is used to determine the blood flow in the hand.

What is the technique of the digit blood flow?

  • The patient is in the sitting position for the test.
  • To test distal blood flow, the examiner [ therapist ] compresses the nail bed & notes the time taken for colour to return to the nail.
  • Normally, when the pressure is released, the color should return to the nail bed within 3 seconds.
  • If the return takes longer, arterial insufficiency to the fingers should be suspected.
  • The result is a comparison with the normal side & gives some indication of restricted flow.

Hand volume test:-

What is the purpose of the hand volume test?

  • This hand volume test is used to check the swelling, edema or atrophy of the hand.

What is the technique of the hand volume test?

hand volume test
  • For the test, the patient is in a sitting position.
  • If the examiner [ therapist ] is concerned about changes in hand size, a volumeter may be used.
  • This device can be used to assess changes in hand size resulting from localized swelling, generalized edema, or atrophy.
  • Comparisons with the normal limb give the examiner [ therapist ] an idea of changes occurring in the affected hand.
  • Care must be taken when doing this test to ensure accurate readings.
  • There is often a 10 – mL difference between right & left hands & between dominant & non-dominant hands.
  • If the swelling is the problem so that the differences of 30 to 50 mL can be noted.

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