Soleus Muscle
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Soleus Muscle

Soleus Muscle Anatomy In humans and some other mammals, the soleus is a powerful muscle in the back part of the lower leg (the calf). It runs from just below the knee to the heel and is involved in standing and walking. It is closely connected to the gastrocnemius muscle. the soleus is responsible for…

Gluteus muscle
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Gluteal Muscle Anatomy and Exercise

Anatomy of Gluteal Muscle Gluteus muscle, any of the large, fleshy muscles of the buttocks, stretching from the back portion of the pelvic girdle (hipbone) down to the greater trochanter, the bony protuberance at the top of the femur (thighbone). These include: 1) gluteus maximus2) gluteus medius3) gluteus minimus. 1) GLUTEUS MAXIMUS: This is a…

calf muscle
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Calf Muscle Anatomy: Anatomy and Exercise

Anatomy of the Calf muscle The calf muscle is located on the back of the lower leg and is actually made up of two muscles: The medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius muscle, which is the most superficial, are present. The gastrocnemius muscle belly is formed by the convergence of its two heads. The…

Hamstring Muscle
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Hamstring Muscle: Anatomy And Exercise

Hamstring Muscle Anatomy The hamstrings are a group of muscles and their tendons at the rear of the upper leg. They include the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus. The hamstrings flex the knee joint and extend the thigh to the backside of the body. They are used in walking, running, and many other physical activities….

Quadriceps Muscle
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Quadriceps Muscle

Quadriceps femoris muscle Anatomy The quadriceps Muscle also called simply the quadricep Femoris or Knee extensor is a large muscle group that Covers the Front Of the Thigh And the four muscles Group That Makes One Strongest Muscle Of The Lower Limb ( on the front of the thigh). It is the super extensor muscle…

Iliopsoas Muscle
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Iliopsoas Muscle Anatomy: Know Your Muscles

The term Iliopsoas means the combination of the psoas major muscle & the iliacus muscle Joining at their inferior ends. These muscles are distinct in the abdomen, but usually indistinguishable in the thigh. As such, they are usually given the common name “iliopsoas” and are referred to as the “dorsal hip muscles”.The psoas minor Also…