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  • Nitesh Patel - Physiotherapist



What is a Geniospasm? Geniospasm is a rare movement disorder that causes episodes of involuntary tremors of the chin and lower lip. The tremors can...

Topamax for Weight Loss: Does It Really Work?

What is a Topamax for Weight Loss? Topamax (topiramate) may be used off-label to reduce weight loss in people who have obesity. Additionally, it comes...

How to Get Rid of Neck Fat with Diet and Exercise: A Complete Plan

Introduction Getting rid of neck fat is a common goal for many individuals striving to achieve a slimmer and more defined appearance. Excess fat in...

Orbicularis Oris Reflex (Snout Reflex)

Orbicularis Oris Reflex (also known as the Snout reflex) or “Pout” is a pouting or pursing of the lips induced by mild tapping of the...

ELDOA Method Exercises

What is an ELDOA Method? The ELDOA method, which stands for Étirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation Osteo-Articulaire in French (Longitudinal Osteo-Articular Decoaptation Stretching in English), is...

Lower Back Pain when Sitting: Cause, Treatment, Exercise

Introduction Lower back pain when sitting is a common and often debilitating issue that affects people of all ages and lifestyles. It can be caused...

Knee Pain when Squat: Cause, Treatment, Exercise

Why do I have Knee Pain when squatting? Squats are a fundamental exercise in strength training, often regarded as a cornerstone of lower body development....

Muscle Stripping

What is a Muscle Stripping? Muscle stripping is a deep-tissue massage technique that uses firm pressure to break up muscle adhesions and scar tissue. It...

Understanding the Corneal Reflex: Eye’s Protective Mechanism Explained

What Is the Corneal Reflex? The Corneal Reflex, also known as the blink reflex or blink response, is a protective reflex that helps safeguard the...

Superficial Reflexes

Superficial reflexes are involuntary muscle contractions that are elicited by stimulating sensory receptors in the skin or mucous membranes. They are polysynaptic, meaning that they...