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  • Dr.Krupa Goriya


Statin-Induced Muscle Pain/Statin myopathy

Statin-induced muscle pain, also known as statin myopathy, is a collection of muscle-related symptoms that can occur in persons taking statins. A type of medication...

Tension Headache

A tension headache is one of the most common types of headaches experienced by individuals. Characterized by a dull, persistent pain that often feels like...

Interval Training

Interval training is most typically used combined with traditional cardiovascular exercises such as running, rowing, cycling, and swimming to push yourself harder than you could...

Periodontal Abscess

A periodontal abscess is a pus-filled pocket seen in the gum tissues. It seems to be a tiny red ball coming from the inflamed gum...

Caffeine Withdrawal

What is a Caffeine Withdrawal? Caffeine withdrawal refers to the set of symptoms that individuals may experience when they abruptly reduce or eliminate their regular...

Torn Foot Ligament

Usually, we don’t give our feet much consideration until we start to feel pain when we walk or see other indications of a major foot...

Ankle Joint Ligament

The ankle joint is a complex structure that plays a crucial role in providing stability and facilitating movement in the lower extremities. Several ligaments contribute...

Shoulder Joint Ligament

The ligaments of the shoulder are strong, flexible bands of connective tissue. They are essential for passive shoulder stability because they maintain the shoulder joints, attach...

Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Injury

The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is placed right behind the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) inside the knee. It is one of the ligaments that connects...

Chest Tightness

Chest Tightness can feel like a dull aching or like a sudden stab. Chest Tightness can occasionally feel burning or crushing. Sometimes the pain starts...