Vakrasana: Health Benefits, Steps,Types & Variation
What is Vakrasana/Half Spinal Twist Posture? Vakrasana is a clarified form of Ardhamatsyendrasana. The Sanskrit name of both the poses differs whereas the English name...
Sasangasana: Health Benefits, Steps, & How to perform?
What is Sasangasana? The name Sasangasana is due to the pose that the body gets mimics that of the rabbit. As in Sanskrit, a rabbit...
Trikonasana (Triangle Pose): Health Benefits,steps,Types & variations
What is the Trikonasana yoga pose? Trikona – Triangle; Asana – PoseThis asana is pronounced as Tree-Kone-Nah -sah-Nah (Trikonasana). The word ‘Trikonasana’ arrives in the...
Bhujangasana: Health Benefits,Types and How to do?
What is Bhujangasana (Cobra Stretch)? Bhujangasana is pronounced as Bhu-jung-aahs-uh-nuh.Bhujangasana arrives from the word bhujanga meaning cobra or snake and asana refers to pose. Bhujangasana...