Nitesh Dhameliya
Physical Therapy Vs Chiropractor
Physical Therapy Vs Chiropractor, if you have any injury or ill and are not moving well, you may need to visit a healthcare professional to...
How to Improve Poor Posture
Posture is very important, that timeless advice we’ve probably all heard at one time or another “Stand up straight.”. It’s worth heeding. Good posture is...
How to know if you sprained your wrist?
While talking about Wrist Sprain, there are eight small bones in your wrist. Ligament are the tissue that connects this eight small bones, Any of...
Heel Pain In The Morning
Heel Pain while we woke up in the morning, you may feel stiffness or pain in your heel when you’re lying down in bed. Or...
Electromagnetic Treatment
Electromagnetic Treatment gives immediate relief of pain, but also electrical or external therapy can aid in tissue healing and regeneration by regenerating cells, removal of...
Can You Exercise after COVID Vaccine?
In most cases, yes you can exercise after the COVID Vaccine. But some of the side effects of the vaccine can affect your exercise plans,...
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS): Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise
What is a Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS)? Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) is an injury caused by repetitive trauma to the Tibialis Anterior muscle,...
Osteoarthritis of Knee Exercise :
What is Osteoarthritis : Osteoarthritis is a non-inflammatory, degenerative joint disease in which degeneration of articular cartilage and formation of new bone called osteophytes seen...
Sciatica Nerve Pain
Sciatica Nerve Pain is if you develop a pain that starts in your lower back or buttock and which radiates down your leg, your problem...
What is kyphosis of the Spine ?
Kyphosis of the spine is a disorder which results in hunching and overstate forward rounding of the back. This excessive outward curvature is also called...