Scaphoid shift test

Scaphoid shift test:

  • This test is also known as the Watson test.
  • This test is described to Watson in the American Research in General Orthopedics in march 1978 in New Orleans
  • This test is a provocative manoeuvre type test, which is used to examine the dynamic stability of the scaphoid bone &
  • Reproduce the patient’s symptoms.
  • Besides the stability, the examiner is also able to reflect on the quality of the adjoining articular surfaces.

Purpose of the Scaphoid shift test:

  • This test is used to check the dynamic stability of the scaphoid bone.
  • This test is also used to diagnose the scapholunate interosseous ligament instability = SLIL.
  • This test is also helpful during the examination of the wrist joint & more specifically of the scaphoid bone.

The technique of the performance of the Scaphoid shift test:

Scaphoid shift test
Scaphoid shift test
  • The patient sits with the elbow resting on the table & forearm pronated.
  • The examiner faces the patient.
  • With the help of one hand, the examiner takes the patient’s wrist joint into full ulnar deviation & slight extension while holding the metacarpals.
  • The examiner presses the thumb with the help of the other hand against the distal pole of the scaphoid on the palmar side
  • To prevent it from moving towards the palm while the fingers provide counter pressure on the dorsum of the forearm.
  • With the first hand, the examiner radially deviates & slightly flexes the patient’s hand while maintaining pressure on the scaphoid.
  • This creates subluxation stress if the scaphoids are unstable.
  • If the scaphoid is unstable, the dorsal pole of the scaphoids sublexes / shifts over the dorsal rim of the radius bone & the patient complains of pain, indicating a positive test.
  • If the scaphoid sublaxes with the thumb pressure when the thumb is removed, the scaphoid commonly returns to its normal position with a thunk.
  • If the ligaments tissue is intact, the scaphoid normally moves forward, pushing the thumb forward with it.
  • The test may also be used if a scaphoid fracture is suspected.
  • In this case, the pain occurs without the thunk.

Interpretation of the Scaphoid shift test:

  • A positive test of Scaphoid shift test: A palpable & audible reduction of the subluxated scaphoid bone & elicitation of the symptomatic pain, usually on to the dorsal side.
  • Negative test of Scaphoid shift test: Scaphoid bone moves normally, pushing the back on the examiner’s thumb with the ulnar deviation of the wrist joint, & there is no symptomatic of the pain.
  • The examiner must be able to conclude a variety of the findings from this test so that the mobility itself is not directly be considered pathological because it is caused by hyper mobility syndrome.
  • Though to unilateral hypermobility is rather than suspicious.
  • Pain is similar to the patient’s symptoms during the dorsal shift indicates symptomatic subluxation of the scaphoid bone, pain which is less localised combined with the normal/limited movement point in the direction of periscaphoid arthritis / scaphoid-Iunate which is advanced the collapse pattern.
  • A gritty, clicking / smooth sensation gives an idea about the state of the articular cartilage & bony form of the joint.
  • When there are doubts and to have clear results about the actual shift, a radioscopy & mostly the fluoroscopic are used to get the clear images & information about the scaphoid shift test.

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