Special test for the ligamentous instability in the ankle

Special test for the ligamentous instability in the ankle:

  • These tests are applied to the clinic the check the ligamentous instability in the ankle.
  • These tests are clinical diagnostic test which is applied in the clinic.
  • These tests are applied by physiotherapists or doctors when the patients complain about ankle pain.

Name of the special test of ligamentous instability in the ankle:

  1. Dorsiflexion compression test
  2. Dorsiflexion maneuver
  3. Fibular translation test

Purpose of the Special test for the ligamentous instability in the ankle:

  • These tests are used to check the ligamentous instability in the ankle.
  • It is also used to check the problems in syndesmosis.
  • It is applied with the check of the ROM of the ankle.

Dorsiflexion compression test :-

The technique of dorsiflexion compression test :

Dorsiflexion compression test
Dorsiflexion compression test
  • The starting position of the test is standing.
  • While in bilateral weight-bearing, the patient is asked to move their ankle into extreme dorsiflexion.
  • The patient has noted whether this maneuver is painful while the examiner notes the end ROM.
  • After that, the patient is returned to a normal standing position again.
  • Then the examiner applies a force of compression with the help of two hands surrounding the malleoli of the affected leg.
  • While this compression is maintained, the patient is asked to move into dorsiflexion again.
  • Result = a decrease in pain on dorsiflexion or an increase in dorsiflexion range indicates a positive test.

Dorsiflexion maneuver :-

The technique of dorsiflexion maneuver :

Dorsiflexion maneuver
Dorsiflexion maneuver
  • The starting position of the test is sitting.
  • The patient sits on the edge of the examiner table.
  • The examiner stabilizes the patient’s leg with the help of one hand & with the help of the other hand passively & forcefully dorsiflexes the foot by holding onto the heel & using the forearm to dorsiflex the foot.
  • Result = pain on forced dorsiflexion indicates a positive test for a syndesmosis problem.

Fibular translation test :-

The technique of dorsiflexion maneuver :

Fibular translation test
Fibular translation test
  • The starting position of the test is side – lying.
  • The examiner faces the foot to be examined from the front & stabilizes the tibia with the help of one hand & translates the fibular malleolus anteriorly & posteriorly with the help of the other hand.

Result = if pain occurs during the translation/if the movement is greater on the affected side, the test is considered positive for a
syndesmosis injury.

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