Special test for to patellofemoral dysfunction

Special test for to patellofemoral dysfunction :

  • Patellofemoral dysfunction or PFPS is implies to some pathological affecting to patellofemoral joint.
  • This pathology is result of bio-mechanical factors or pathophysiological processes or loss of tissue homeostatic resulting in synovitis & inflamed fat pad .
  • In this situation patient feel to pain during of climbing or descending stairs, stepping up or down with to prolonged sitting & squatting .
  • In this time examiner is mast be assess to whole kinetic chain of leg .

Name of to special test :

  • Active patellar grind test
  • McConnell test

Purpose of this both test :

  • This test is used to check to patellofemoral dysfunction .
  • It is also check to chondromalacia patellae of knee mostly in McConnell test .

Active patellar grind test :-

Technique of performance :

Active patellar grind test
Active patellar grind test
  • Starting position of patient for test is sitting position .
  • The patient is sits on to examination table with to knee is flexed up to 90 ‘ over to edge of to table .
  • While to patient slowly straighten to knee , the examiner places a hand over to patella for to feel for crepitus.
  • Where in to ROM that pain occurs gives an indication of what part of the patella is demonstrating pathology .
  • After that apply to grater force through to patella by asking to patient to step up & step down on a small stool while the examiner gently palpate to patella for crepitus & pain .

Result of test :

  • This test is positive when to patient is feel to pain around to knee & examiner is feel to crepitus of knee.

McConnell test :-

McConnell test
McConnell test
  • It is mostly used to check to chondromalacia patellae of knee .

Technique of performance :

  • Starting position of patient for test is sitting position .
  • Into sitting position with to laterally rotated.
  • After that patient is performs isometric quadriceps contractions at 120′ , 90′ , 60 ‘ , 30′ & 0’ with each contraction hold for 10 seconds .
  • If to patient is feel to pain during to any of to contractions, patient’s leg is passively returned of to full extend by to examiner .
  • The patient’s leg is then fully supported on to examiner’s knee & the examiner pushes to patella medially.
  • The medial glide is maintained while the knee is returns to the painful angle & the patient performs an isometric contraction again with the patella is hold to medially .
  • If to pain is decreased the pain is patellofemoral in origin .
  • Each angle is tested to similar fashion.

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