Best Multi-Speciality Hospital in Mumbra, Mumbai
If You are looking for the Best Hospital in Mumbra of Mumbai, Here we have updated the list of the Best Hospital in Mumbra with Addresses, Contact details, and Timing.
List of Best Hospital Mumbra, Mumbai
- GHC Hospital
- Prime Criticare Hospital
- Mumbra Maternity & Orthopaedics Hospital
- Universal Hospital
- Icon Hospital
- Hilltop Hospital
- Dausup Hospital
- Sai Mumbra Hospital
- Mumbra City Hospital
- Medford Multispecialty Hospital
- Arman Hospital
- New Motherhood Maternity & General Hospital
- Al Meer Hospital
- Sahara Children Hospital
- Shaheen Hospital
- Eye Tech Eye Hospital
- Bilal Hospital
- Suyog Hospital
- Almas Hospital
- Noor Hospital
Following are the Best Hospital in Mumbra
GHC Hospital
Hospital Address:
Shil Road Kausa
Mumbra Thane
Maharashtra 400612
Dr.Salima Gautham – Marine Lines
Contact no: 081042 42551
Hospital Timing:
Monday: Open 24 hours
Tuesday: Open 24 hours
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Thursday: Open 24 hours
Friday: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Open 24 hours
Sunday: Open 24 hours
Prime Criticare Hospital
Hospital Address:
Old Mumbai Pune Road
Rashid Compound Kausa
Mumbra Thane Mahara
Sitra 400612
Dr.Aakil Khan – Urologist Doctors
Dr.Abhijeet Narayan – Physiotherapists
Dr.Alkesh Patil – Psychiatrists
Dr.Amit Garg – Cardiologists
Dr.Ashwini Patil – Psychiatrists
Dr.Aziz Dhilawala – ENT Doctors
Dr.Dilraj Kadlas – Neurosurgeon
Dr.Faiz Ansari – Orthopaedic Doctors
Dr.Farha Naaz Kazi – ENT Doctors
Dr.Farooq Sultan – General Physician Doctors
Contact no: 08082055354
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
Mumbra Maternity & Orthopaedics Hospital
Hospital Address:
Latifa Palace Tanwar Nagar
Road Kausa Mumbra Thane
Maharashtra 400612
Dr.Sudha Shah – Infertility Doctors
Dr.Vijay Kumar Anil – Orthopaedic Doctors
Contact no: 09223386932
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
Universal Hospital
Hospital Address:
Housing Society Kadar Palace
Maulana Hasrat Mohani Road
nr Masjid Umar Daulat Nagar
Greenfield Kausa Mumbra
Thane Maharashtra 400612
Dr.Rashida Ansari – General Physician Doctors
Dr.Nishat Afrin Khan – Gynaecologist
Dr.Faruk Sultan – Physiotherapists
Contact no: 08433615255
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
Icon Hospital
Hospital Address:
1st floor Laxmi Sawala Building
Old Mumbai Pune Road near
Police station Thakurpada Ilthan
Mumbra Thane Maharashtra
Dr.Santosh B. Joshi – Maternity General Surgical
Contact no: 09004182440
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
Hilltop Hospital
Hospital Address:
Citylight CHS Ground
Floor Building 03 Kismat
Colony Road Mumbra
Thane Maharashtra 400612
Dr.Javed H. Shaikh – ICU, NICU, ND, Maternity
Contact no: 09867330335
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
Dausup Hospital
Hospital Address:
I wing Ground Floor Opp
Sahil Hotel Kismat Colony
Old Nasheman Colony Kausa
Mumbra Thane Maharashtra
Dr.Pradip Pardeshi – General Physician Doctors
Dr.Sangeeta Pardeshi – On-Call Doctor
Contact no: 08268261166
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
Sai Mumbra Hospital
Hospital Address:
52PC+P9H Shailesh
Nagar Mumbra Thane
Maharashtra 400612
Dr.J K. Shetty – General Physician Doctors
Contact no: 02225466528
Mumbra City Hospital
Hospital Address:
101 102 Allied Enclave Near
Virani Petrol Pump Kausa
Mumbra Maharashtra 400612
Dr.Sushil Sakhare – Pulmonologists Doctors
Contact no: 07738473131
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
Medford Multispecialty Hospital
Hospital Address:
Bluebells Mumbra Bypass
Road Near Maaz Hotel
Kalsekar Mumbra Thane
Maharashtra 400612
Dr.Muzammil Shaikh – Consultant Pediatrician
Contact no: 09769000091
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
Arman Hospital
Hospital Address:
52FF+QC7 Amrut
Nagar Mumbra Thane
Maharashtra 400612
Dr.Irfan Shaikh – B.H.M.S
Contact no: 9892965111
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
New Motherhood Maternity & General Hospital
Hospital Address:
102/A Amir Apt Dost Apt
Kausa Mumbra Thane
Maharashtra 400612
Dr.Surabhi Siddhartha – MBBS, DGO, Gynecologist, Obstetrician
Dr.Suresh Birajdar – MBBS, MD, Paediatrics, Child, Neonatologist
Dr.Pratima Thamke – MBBS, MD, Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Dr.Mahesh Padsalge – MBBS, DNB, General Medicine, Diploma, Endocrinology, General Physician
Dr.Lisha Suraj – MBBS, DNB, General Surgeon
Dr.Priya Deshpande – MBBS, MS, Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Dr.Megha Harshal Mestry – MBBS, MD, Physiology, General Physician
Dr.Peeyoosh Rankhamb – MBBS, DCH, Diploma, Child Health, Pediatrician
Dr.Yogini Shah – MBBS, DNB, Radio Diagnosis, Radiologist
Dr.Shaifali Patil – MBBS, MD, DGO, Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Contact no: 02225350050
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: 7:00 am–12:00 am
- Tuesday: 7:00 am–5:00 pm
- Wednesday: 7:00 am–5:00 pm
- Thursday: 7:00 am–5:00 pm
- Friday: 7:00 am–5:00 pm
- Saturday: 7:00 am–5:00 pm
- Sunday: 7:00 am–5:00 pm
Al Meer Hospital
Hospital Address:
Ground Floor bage mehar
N/0 Aljabbar Clinic Shibli
Nagar Road opposite Dosti
Complex Mumbra Shill
Maharashtra 421204
Dr.Azhar Khan – MBBS, Chest Physician, Diabetologist
Dr.Kalpana S. Kinake – MBBS, DGO, Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr.Ganesh G. Samant – Orthopedic Surgeon
Dr.Qasim Khan – MBBS, DNS, FCPS, Lap Surgeon
Dr.Nidhi Singh – MD, Dermatologist & Aesthetics
Dr.Mukesh Jha – MD, Medicine, Gold, DM, Cardiologist
Dr.Bushra Ahmad – Physiotherapist
Dr.Sadiya Mulla – Dermatologist
Dr.Murtuza A. Shaikh – MD, Pediatrics, Neonatologist
Dr.Nikhil Shinde – Nephrologist
Contact no: 08591255243
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
Sahara Children Hospital
Hospital Address:
Shop No 02 Matin Apartment
Sanjay Nagar Mumbra Thane
Maharashtra 400612
Dr.Kunal S. Ahirrao – MD, Ped, Ayu
Dr.Devyani K. Ahirrao – BHMS, DEMS, Family Physician
Contact no: 09960060527
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: 10:00 am–2:00 pm, 5:00 pm–11:00 pm
- Tuesday: 10:00 am–2:00 pm, 5:00 pm–11:00 pm
- Wednesday: 10:00 am–2:00 pm, 5:00 pm–11:00 pm
- Thursday: 10:00 am–2:00 pm, 5:00 pm–11:00 pm
- Friday: Closed
- Saturday: 10:00 am–2:00 pm, 5:00 pm–11:00 pm
- Sunday: 10:00 am–2:00 pm, 5:00 pm–11:00 pm
Shaheen Hospital
Hospital Address:
Almas Colony Road Wafa
Park Tetavli Kausa Mumbra
Thane Maharashtra 400612
Dr.J.A. Jafri – MS, FIAGES, Consultant Surgeon
Contact no: 08976641555
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
Eye Tech Eye Hospital
Hospital Address:
Sai Kiran Apartment Mumbai
Pune Road Shailesh Nagar
Mumbra Thane Maharashtra
Dr.Rupesh R.J. – MS, Ophth, ICPS, DOMS
Contact no: 08452045478
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: 10:00 am–6:00 pm
- Tuesday: 10:00 am–6:00 pm
- Wednesday: 10:00 am–6:00 pm
- Thursday: 10:00 am–6:00 pm
- Friday: 10:00 am–6:00 pm
- Saturday: 12:00–5:00 pm
- Sunday: Closed
Bilal Hospital
Hospital Address:
1st Floor A Wing Royal Garden
Old Mumbai Pune Road near
Shimla Park Kausa Mumbra
Thane Maharashtra 400612
Dr.Rajesh Patil – Paediatrician
Dr.Ram Shinde – Diabetologist Doctors
Dr.Meenaz Dongre – Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Doctors
Dr.Rashid Shah – Aesthetic Dermatology Doctors
Dr.Rashid Shaikh – Dermatologists
Dr.Jaffer Shaikh – Dermatologists
Dr.Shweta Gupta – Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Doctors
Dr.Nizamuddin Sayed – General Surgeon Doctors
Dr.Pooja Dinani – General Physician Doctors
Dr.Bilas Salve – Dermatologists
Contact no: 09699911101
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
Suyog Hospital
Hospital Address:
B/101 Mumbai Pune Road
Narayan Patil Wadi Taha
Nagar Mumbra Thane
Maharashtra 400612
Dr.Rajnish – Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Doctors
Dr.Amol Garote – Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Doctors
Dr.Amul Garote – General Surgeon Doctors
Dr.Patel Amita Rajnish – Gynaecologist & Obstetrician
Contact no: 09930835183
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
Almas Hospital
Hospital Address:
Ground Floor Mehrun
Complex B Wing Almas
Colony Mumbra Thane
Maharashtra 400612
Dr.Rubina Siddiq – Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Doctors
Contact no: 07506060360
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
Noor Hospital
Hospital Address:
528G+3CR Tetavli
Kausa Mumbra Thane
Maharashtra 400612
Dr.Asif Mulgund – MS, Orthopedic surgeon
Dr.Afshan Akhtar – MBBS, MS, Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Dr.Ahesan R. Shaikh – MBBS, Diploma, Orthopedic surgeon
Dr.Amrin – MBBS, MD, Community Medicine, Family, and Community Medicine Specialist
Dr.Haroon Ansari – MBBS, MS, Orthopedic Surgeon, Joint Replacement Surgeon
Contact no: 919224644194
Hospital Timing:
- Monday: Open 24 hours
- Tuesday: Open 24 hours
- Wednesday: Open 24 hours
- Thursday: Open 24 hours
- Friday: Open 24 hours
- Saturday: Open 24 hours
- Sunday: Open 24 hours
Available Treatment in the Hospital
Treatment Varies according to the Hospital
- Dermatologists
- Orthopedic Doctors
- Neurologists
- Eye Hospitals
- Gastroenterologists
- Ophthalmologists
- Multispeciality Hospitals
- Medical treatments
- Cardiovascular treatments
- Cancer treatments
- Neurological treatments
- Gastrointestinal treatments
- Respiratory treatments
- General surgery
- Orthopedic surgery
- Neurosurgery
- Plastic surgery
- Radiation therapy
- Chemotherapy
- Immunotherapy
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Speech therapy