
Bhujangasana: Health Benefits,Types and How to do?

What is Bhujangasana (Cobra Stretch)? Bhujangasana is pronounced as Bhu-jung-aahs-uh-nuh.Bhujangasana arrives from the word bhujanga meaning cobra or snake and asana refers to pose. Bhujangasana is also famous as Cobra Stretch. This pose is involved in Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutations Pose) as well as Padma Sadhana.Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) is a heart-opening back bend that stretches your…

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Anterior pelvic tilt exercise: Health Benefits, Correction exercise variation, How to do?

Anterior pelvic tilt exercise is a great way to correct the Anterior pelvic tilt and also many health benefits associated with it. In this article we discuss what is anterior pelvic tilt and how exercise is help to correct this deformity, health benefits and variation of this exercise. What is anterior pelvic tilt exercise? The…

Seated Cable Rows

Teres muscles strengthening exercises: Health benefits, Variations, How to Do?

What is teres muscles strengthening exercises? The teres major plays an main role in moving your arms and shoulders. It can also add width to the much desired “V look. The teres minor is the of the teres muscles and it helps to stabilize the ball and socket glenohumeral joint and supports lateral or external…


Dhanurasana: Health Benefits,variations and How to do ?

What is Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)? Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) yoga is one of the 12 common hatha yoga poses. Also known as Urdva Chakrasana, this asana features an archer’s bow. In Sanskrit, ‘Dhanu’ represents bow and ‘Asana’ defines posture. This yoga posture is one of the three key back stretching exercises and motivates a powerful stretch…


Halasana: Health Benefits, Steps, Types, and How to do?

What is Halasana? Halasana is a classic yoga position — or asana in Sanskrit — that’s involved in many types of yoga practices. It includes lying on your back and placing your feet on the ground behind your head. Typically you perform Halasana toward the end of a yoga session. However, it’s the third of…

Facial Muscle exercise
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Effective exercises for Bell’s palsy

Bell’s palsy is a medical condition characterized by an inflammation of the facial nerve, causing paralysis on one side of the face. Bell’s palsy is a form of temporary facial paralysis that can affect a person’s daily function, communication with others, self-esteem, and quality of life. It happens when the nerve that controls movement on…


Chakrasana: Health Benefits,Types,Variations and How to perform?

What is Chakrasana? Wheel Pose — Chakrasana or Urdhva Dhanurasana — also known as Full-Wheel Pose and Upward Bow Pose, is a back-bending posture that opens up the chest, and tones the thighs, arms, and abdomen, and engages the whole body. As a heart-opening stretch, these pose aid release sadness and depression. It gets its…

tibialis anterior strengthening exercise

Tibialis anterior strengthening exercise: Health Benefits, Types, How to do?

Tibialis anterior strengthening exercise is a great option to strengthen your leg, This exercise has many health benefits and reduces the risk of injury, and helps your fitness level (stamina) in performing the day-to-day activity. If you are a sportsperson this exercise plays a crucial role to perform a high-intensity activity in sports. What is…

Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunch exercise: Health Benefits, How to Do? Variations

What is bicycle crunch exercise? This is a very effective exercise for abdominal muscles, reaching not only the usual abdominals but also the deep abs and the obliques. If you want to work your core, bicycle crunch exercise is a great choice. This exercise does not require any equipment. Do this exercise as a core…