hawkins - kennedy impingement test for to shoulder

Hawkins – Kennedy impingement test for to shoulder :

  • This test is used to by doctor in clinic for to check the impingement of shoulder.
  • This test is perform when patient is complain about shoulder pain .
  • It is mostly check to anterior shoulder impingement causes of this situation is may be to rotator cuff pathology , bicipital paratendenonitis ,scapular or humeral instability .
  • This impingement is give to result form structures being compressed into anterior aspect of to humerus between to head of humerus & corocoid process under to acromin process.

What is Purpose of this impingement test ?

  • This impingement test is used to identify to subacromial impingement syndrome.

How to perform of this impingement test ?

Hawkins – Kennedy impingement test
  • Starting position for to test is standing .
  • Into standing position the examiner is do the forward flexes up to 90 degrees & also do the elbow flexed up to 90 degrees .
  • Then do the forcibly medial rotates means internally rotates of arm to shoulder .
  • This movement is pushes to supraspinatus tendon against to anterior surface of to coracoacromical tendon against to anterior surface .
  • This test is also perform in different degrees of forward flexion means vertically circling to shoulder / horizontal addcution means horizontally circling to shoulder .

What is result of this impingement test ?

  • This test is considered to positive if to patient is experiences to pain with to internal rotation means medial rotation .
  • This pain is indicate to supraspinatus paratenonitis or tendinitis & secondary impingement .

What is other part of this test ?

  1. Corocoid impingement test
  2. Yocum test
Yocum test
Yocum test

Corocoid impingement test :

  • It is describe by to McFarland et al .
  • It is same as to Hawkins – Kennedy test but only involves to horizontally adducting to arm across to body 10′ to 20 before doing to medial rotation means internal rotation .
  • It is more likely to approximate to lesser tuberosity of to humerus & corocoid process .

Yocum test :

  • It is a modification of this test .
  • In this test patient is put their hand on to opposite shoulder.
  • Then examiner is elevates to elbow.
  • In both test pain is indicate to positive test .

Evidence of this impingement test ?

  • Sensitivity of this test = 0.62 – 0.92
  • Specificity of this test = 0.25 – 1.00
  • LR + means Positive Likelihood Ratio =1.20 – 3.33
  • LR- means Negative Likelihood Ratio = 0.21 – 0.55

What is importance of this impingement test ?:

  • Place to patient into 90 degrees of to shoulder flexion with internal rotation which is decreases to space between to humeral head & underside of to acromion process.
  • If space is narrowed for this structures into the subacromial space like as to subacromial bursa or supraspinatus tendon which is become to compressed & elicit of to pain response.
  • Most important note = when to test performed alone it does not have to good diagnostic accuracy.
  • It is clinician to utilize of to cluster of to identifying of to subacromial impingement which is suspect to patient with this syndrome.
  • Into cluster consists of this test is :
  • Positive test of Hawkins-Kennedy impingement sign .
  • Painful arc of sign .
  • Weak / painful of to infraspinatus manual muscle test.

When to this test is become to False Positive

  • It is notice by to Macdonald et al (2000)
  • It is mostly like as to Internal impingement
  • Bankart lesion in 25%
  • SLAP lesion in 46.1 %

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