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What is an Asthma? ”Bronchial asthma is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract, which is characterized by bronchial hyperreactivity and respiratory obstruction which is reversible (spontaneously or under the influence of bronchodilater) marked by wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and coughing”. symptoms may be episodic or chronic but the pattern may vary…

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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) – Lou Gehrig’disease

DEFINITION Motor neuron diseases (MND) include a heterogeneous spectrum of inherited and sporadic (no family history) clinical disorders of the upper motor neurons (UMNs), lower motor neurons (LMNs), or a combination of both. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as” Lou Gehrig’disease”, is the most common and devastatingly fatal MND among adults. ”ALS is characterized…

Multiple sclerosis (MS)
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Multiple sclerosis (MS): Physiotherapy Treatment

Multiple sclerosis Definition: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation, selective demyelination, and gliosis. It can cause both acute and chronic symptoms and can result in a significant disability and impaired quality of life.MS affects approximately 400,000 persons in the united states; worldwide MS affects approximately 2.1 million people. It was first…

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Leprosy and physiotherapy management

DEFINITION OF LEPROSY : 1: A chronic infectious disease caused by a mycobacterium (Mycobacterium leprae) affecting especially the skin and peripheral nerves and characterized by the formation of nodules or macules that enlarge and spread accompanied by loss of sensation with eventual paralysis, wasting of muscle, and production of deformities — called also Hansen’s disease2:…

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Dupuytren’s Contracture

What is a Dupuytren’s Contracture? Dupuytren’s contracture is a condition in which one or more fingers become permanently bent in a flexed position. It usually begins as small hard nodules just under the skin of the palm. It then worsens over time until the fingers can no longer be straightened. While typically not painful some…

Frenkel’s exercise
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What is a Frenkel’s Exercise? The Frenkel’s exercise was created by Heinrich Frenkel to help individuals with ataxia, to improve coordination and proprioception. With these exercises, the central nervous system is trained by carefully repeating activities, especially in the lower limbs, while maintaining a high level of focus. There are three ways to perform the…

Motor Neurone Disease (MND)
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Motor Neurone Disease (MND)

What is a Motor Neurone Disease (MND)? Motor neurone diseases (MND) are a group of conditions that cause the nerves in the spine and brain to progressively lose function. They are a rare but serious and incurable form of progressive neurodegeneration. Motor neurons are nerve cells that send electrical output signals to the muscles, affecting…

Coxa Vara: Deformity in Hip Joint
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Coxa Vara: Deformity in Hip Joint

What is a Coxa Vara? Coxa vara is a deformity of the hip, whereby the angle between the head and the shaft of the femur is reduced to less than 120 degrees. This results in the leg being shortened, and the development of a limp. It is commonly caused by injury, such as a fracture….

Flat Foot Exercise
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Flat Foot: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Physiotherapy Exercise

What is Flatfoot? Flatfoot (pes planus) is a condition in which the longitudinal arch in the foot, which runs lengthwise along the sole of the foot, has not developed normally and is lowered or flattened out. One foot or both feet may be affected. When the arches on the inside of your feet are flattened,…

diabetic peripheral neuropathy
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Diabetic Neuropathy: Physiotherapy Treatment

What is a Diabetic Neuropathy? Diabetic neuropathy refers to the damage that affects the nerves of the body in people who have diabetes. It is a progressive disease, and symptoms worsen over a number of years. People who do not control their blood sugar levels and those who have high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol,…