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  • Nitesh Dhameliya


Understanding Chest Pain While Deep Breathing

Chest Pain while Breathing Deeply

Abdominal Thrusts

Abdominal thrusts

Best Clothes For Exercise

Introduction Sometimes having the perfect workout clothes on hand is just as important as having the right equipment to do your routines. Though your clothes...

Understanding the Abdominal Reflex: A Neurological Assessment Guide

What is ab Abdominal reflex? The Abdominal Reflex, also known as the abdominal cutaneous reflex or the abdominal reflex arc, is a neurological reflex that...

Kneading massage technique

Kneading massage is a technique in the category of petrissage used by massage therapists in which pressure is applied to superficial and deep soft tissues....

Shoulder Subluxation

Shoulder Subluxation, your shoulder joints are one of the most easily dislocated joints, and shoulder pain in general can have a significant negative impact on...

Can Wry Neck Be Cured?

Can Wryneck Be Cured

What Causes Pain Lower Back?

What Causes Pain Lower Back

How to Get Rid of Muscle Soreness?

Muscle soreness is a side effect of the stress placed on the muscles during exercise. This is commonly called delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS...