Understanding and Managing Abductor Hallucis Muscle Pain
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Understanding and Managing Abductor Hallucis Muscle Pain

Introduction The human foot is a complex marvel of engineering, with numerous muscles working in harmony to support our daily activities. Among these muscles, the abductor hallucis muscle plays a crucial role in the movement of the big toe. However, when pain strikes this muscle, it can lead to discomfort and hinder our mobility. In…

Abductor Hallucis Muscle
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Abductor Hallucis Muscle

What is Abductor hallucis muscle? Abductor hallucis is a fusiform muscle found superficially and medially in the foot. Abductor hallucis, along with flexor digitorum brevis and abductor digiti minimi, make up the first (most superficial) layer of plantar foot muscles, observing the variety of superficial to deep muscles. On the further hand, if the foot…