Bicycle crunch exercise: Health Benefits, How to Do? Variations
What is bicycle crunch exercise?
This is a very effective exercise for abdominal muscles, reaching not only the usual abdominals but also the deep abs and the obliques. If you want to work your core, bicycle crunch exercise is a great choice. This exercise does not require any equipment. Do this exercise as a core workout or whole body workout.
This is an excellent exercise to activate your rectus abdominis, your upper abdominal muscle, and it is second only to the captain’s chair for activating the obliques—your side abdominal muscles. Because you are lifting your legs, you also contract the transverse abdominis, which is the deep abdominal muscle that is hard to target. Besides working your abdominals, you will also be toning your thighs as both your hamstrings and quadriceps will be involved with bicycling.
A strong core will help you to maintain a good posture and perform well in your daily activities. It is also a key component of good performance in sports and physical activities. Performing a variety of abdominals and core exercises ensures you are engaging your muscles in different ways.
This is the perfect exercise to spice up your core workout. This will gives you all the same benefits as the standard crunch, plus it utilizes your internal and external obliques, therefore requiring more movement and consistent core engagement.
However, bicycle crunches can be hard on your back and hips if they perform wrongly. Because they are so commonly thrown into exercise routines, it is not uncommon for trainers to skip the instructions. That is why it is important to learn how to safely and correctly do a bicycle crunch.
What do bicycle crunches do for the body?
This exercise can help tone your midsection and slim your waist. Because bicycle crunches require lower limb movement than standard crunches, they are also great for increasing stability, flexibility, and coordination. From picking up heavy grocery bags to stair climbing, a strong core is required for a lot of everyday activities and can even help prevent common injuries or strains. Twisting and reaching are also required for daily activities like getting things off of shelves, putting things away in cabinets, and playing with kids.
Health benefits of bicycle crunch exercise.

- This exercise helps to tone your abdominal muscles.
- Helps to improve stability.
- Helps to improve the flexibility of the trunk.
- Helps in twisting and reaching activities in daily life.
- Helps to strengthen your abdominal muscles.
- Helps to reduce your belly fat.
- This is the perfect exercise for your core workout.
- Helps to Maintain a good posture.
How to do the bicycle crunch exercise?
- To perform this exercise you have to Lie on a flat floor with your lower back pressed to the floor and knees flexed. Your feet should be on the ground and place your hands behind the head. Engage your abdominal muscles, drawing in your abdomen to stabilize your spine.
- With your hands gently holding your head, pull your shoulder blades back and slowly elevate your knees to about a ninety-degree angle, lifting your feet from the ground. breath out and slowly, at first, go through a bicycle pedal motion, bringing one knee up towards your armpit while straightening the other legs, maintain both elevated higher than your hips. Rotate your trunk so you can touch your elbow to the opposite knee as it comes up. Alternate to twist to the other side while drawing that knee towards your armpit and the other leg extended until your elbow touches the alternate knee.
- Do this for 15 to 20 repetitions for two to three sets.
Bicycle Crunches Exercise Video
There have different Bicycle Crunch Variations we explain below.
Standing bicycle crunch
How to do it?
- Standing bicycle crunch is an easier version of this exercise that mimics the movement of the bicycle crunch but from a standing position.
- for this exercise, you have to Bend from the waist and bring your turning arm down to meet the knee of the opposite leg, which you raise so they meet around your midriff.
- Do this for 20 to 30 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets with alternate hand and knee.
Elevated bicycle crunch
How to do it?
- For a more advanced version, you have to try this elevated bicycle crunch, to perform this exercise you have to lie down on a bench.
- This means your legs lower further in each repetition for a greater range of motion, so your core has to work harder to lift them to your twisting trunk, and also helps to increase your hip mobility.
- Do this for 20 to 30 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets
Bosu ball bicycle crunch
How to do it?
- This exercise adds some instability into the mix, which gives extra pressure to your core throughout the movement.
- To perform this For the exercise, you need one Bosu ball. The Bosu ball has one flat side which sits on the ground, while you rest your back on the inflatable half of the ball.
- This makes it a little easier to use for bicycle crunches than a standard gym ball, where the risk of rolling off the ball entirely can make it quite a frustrating and slow endeavor, although you can certainly try using a gym ball if you think you have the stomach for it. To perform this exercise you have to lie down so your lower back is resting on the ball but keep your feet on the ground. Then perform this exercise is normal, twisting as you sit up to bring your elbow over to the opposite knee, but return your foot to the ground before raising the other knee.
- The extra effort of keeping yourself balanced on the ball will mean your core gets tired faster than with standard bicycle crunches, so do not be surprised if you fall short of your normal sets and repetitions count.
- If you need a little extra practice before performing the bicycle crunch correctly, these four moves can help develop your core strength.
- Do this for 25 to 30 repetitions for 1 to 2 sets
These four exercise helps you to perform the bicycle crunches.
How to do it?
- This exercise utilizes the same muscles as the bicycle crunch but does so in a different position that reduces the risk of straining your neck and recruiting your hips.
- To perform this exercise you have to come on all four limbs with your palms directly below your shoulders and your knees below your hips. Straighten your right arm straight out in front of you and your left leg out behind you.
- After that, flexed your right elbow and your left knee, crunching your abdominals until they touch underneath your stomach.
- Repeat using your left arm and right leg. Alternate between sides, performing 15 times on both sides.
Seated bicycle crunch
How to do it?
- This is a great exercise for strengthening your core muscle.
- This movement has no more complicated moves. Simply sit on the ground with your legs bent and feet on the ground. Place the hands behind your head, and cross your left elbow toward your right knee.
- Switch sides, and squeeze your core during every move movement. Repeat 15 times on both sides.
Wall sit
How to do it?
- This exercise trains your abdominals to engage while the legs are doing something — in this case, holding you upright! Simply find a wall and lean your back against it.
- Do Squatting so that you are creating a ninety-degree angle. Hold this position for 7 to 10 seconds, then stand back up.
- Repeat 10 to 12 times.
Modified sit-up
How to do it?
- Sit-ups are good for core exercise and help to strengthen your entire midsection. for this exercise, you have to Lie on your back with your knees flexed and your feet flat on the floor. Put your hands behind your head with your elbows pointed out toward your sides.
- contract your core to raise your upper limb off the floor. Repeat 10 to 15 times and gradually increase the number of repetitions as you gain confidence in your core strength.
These Common Mistakes happen while performing this exercise you should avoid these mistakes to get more benefits from this exercise.
Hip Rotation
Your trunk should be performing all of the rotation. Your hips should not be rotating, you have to drive your legs straight forward and backward. Keep your lower back pressed into the ground during this maneuver.
Neck Straining
Do not pull your head forward, make your trunk do the work of rotation. If you find yourself straining with your head and neck to get your elbow to contact your knee, instead, just rotate as far as you can with your trunk.
When did you not do this exercise?
- If your health care provider is advised you to take a rest.
- If you feel any pain or discomfort during this exercise then stop immediately and consult your therapist.
- If you are recently undergone abdominal surgery.
- If your arm or leg bone is recently fractured.
- If you are suffering from low back pain. You can do it if the Physiotherapist recommended it.