
Abdominal muscle stretching: Health benefits, types, and How to do it?

Abdominal muscle stretching is the best way to improve the flexibility of the lower back and reduce the risk of Back pain and related injury. What is abdominal muscle stretch? When it comes to daily stretching exercises, the abdominal muscles are often overlooked. However, stretching your abs is good for your posture and overall flexibility….

Exercise after Covid Vaccine
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Exercise after Covid Vaccine

Over the last two years, COVID-19 has had a significant impact on our lives, from how we interact with others to how we work. It’s even changed how we exercise: thanks to the digital fitness boom, exercise is now more accessible than ever. The availability of the COVID-19 vaccine these days is assisting us in…

back muscle stretch

26 Best Back muscle stretching exercise

Back muscle stretching exercise is an important exercise to improve flexibility and posture of the Back, If you are performing this exercise, they have many health benefits and reduce the risk of Back pain, and improves your overall fitness level. What is Back muscle stretch? The spine is a complex structure made up of muscles,…

reverse fly dumbbell exercise

Rotator Cuff muscles strengthening exercise: Health Benefits, How to Do?

Rotator Cuff muscles strengthening exercise is a great way to improve strength and stability of shoulder joint and also reduces the risk of Rotator cuff injury risk and many health benefits associated with this exercise. What is the Rotator Cuff? The Rotator cuff is a group of 4 muscles and their tendons. which helps to…


Foot strengthening exercises: Health Benefits, Types, How to Do?

Foot strengthening exercises is a great way to make your foot powerful enough to take all your body weight easily and perform all your activity easily and reduce the risk of foot related injury and also have many health benefits. If you are performing this exercise regularly it also improves your stamina and fitness level….

calf stretch

Calf Muscle Stretching: Health Benefits, Types, How to Do?

Calf stretching is an important exercise to improve the flexibility of your lower leg and reduce the risk of injury and many health benefits. It is the most recommended warm-up exercise and if you are performing regularly then it’s improve your overall fitness level. What is the calf stretch? Your calves may feel tight for…


Piriformis strengthening exercises: Health Benefits, Types, How to Do?

Piriformis strengthening exercises is a great way to increase strength of gluteal region mainly external rotators and if you are performing this exercise at regularly, it may have many health benefits and improve your Physique and performances and also reduces the risk of injury. What is Piriformis strengthening exercise? Piriformis muscle is a very small…

Lateral banded walk exercise

Sartorius muscle strengthening exercise: Health benefits, Types, How to Do?

Sartorius muscle strengthening exercise is an important exercise to improve power of your legs, if you are perform this exercise regularly, there are many health benefits and also improve your performance in sports and other day to day activity and also improve your stamina and fitness level. What is sartorius muscle strengthening exercise? The sartorius…

Tibialis anterior muscle stretch
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Tibialis anterior stretch: Health benefits, Types, How to do?

Tibialis anterior stretch is an important exercise to improve flexibility of your lower leg, this exercise have many health benefits and reduce the risk of injury. What is the tibialis anterior stretch? The Tibialis anterior (Tibialis anticus) is located on the lateral side of the tibia; it is thick and fleshy on the top, tendinous…

Does Exercise Lower Cholesterol
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Does Exercise Lower Cholesterol?

Cholesterol can be lower by exercising by up to 15% and boost HDL cholesterol by up to 20%. After a few months, you’ll notice a difference. After just 3-6 months of consistent exercise, you’ll notice a difference in your LDL level. The change in HDL takes longer to notice. Is It Possible to Burn Cholesterol? …