superior gemellus muscle
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Superior gemellus muscle

What is the Superior gemellus muscle? A small muscle deep within the posterior pelvis is the superior gemellus. The superior gemellus is a member of the deep gluteal muscles group and is located beneath the larger muscles of the hip and thigh, specifically the gluteus maximus. This deep gluteal group’s other muscles are; piriformis, obturator…

obturator externus muscle
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Obturator externus muscle

What is Obturator externus muscle? The obturator externus muscle is a flat, triangular muscle located in the hip region. It arises from the outer surface of the obturator membrane and the surrounding bones, including the pubic bone, ischium, and ilium. The muscle fibers then converge to form a tendon that passes through the lesser sciatic…

Tensor Fascia Latae ( TFL ) Muscle
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Tensor fasciae latae muscle

What is the Tensor fasciae latae muscle? Tensor fasciae latae is a fusiform muscle found in the lateral part of the thigh. Along with the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus muscles, it is one of the muscles in the gluteal region. Tensor fasciae latae travels from the anterior part of the iliac crest…

subscapularis muscle
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Subscapularis muscle

What is the Subscapularis muscle? The subscapularis is a triangular shoulder muscle in the scapula’s subscapular fossa. It is one of the four muscles of the rotator cuff, joining the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor, and it connects between the proximal humerus and the scapula. During various movements of the upper limb, the rotator cuff…

teres minor
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Teres Minor Muscle

What is Teres minor muscle? The teres minor is a small, narrow muscle located in the posterior (back) part of the shoulder. It is one of the four muscles that make up the rotator cuff, along with the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and subscapularis muscles. The teres minor originates from the lateral border of the scapula and…

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Infraspinatus muscle

What is the Infraspinatus muscle? The thick triangular muscle known as the infraspinatus covers the majority of the scapula’s dorsal surface. It connects the proximal humerus to the scapula, mostly from the infraspinous fossa. Along with the muscles of the subscapularis, teres minor, and supraspinatus, the infraspinatus is one of the four rotator cuff muscles….

supraspinatus muscle
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Supraspinatus muscle

What is the Supraspinatus muscle? The supraspinatus muscle is one of the four rotator cuff muscles located in the shoulder. It is responsible for initiating the abduction of the arm and stabilizing the shoulder joint during arm movements. Injuries to this muscle can result in shoulder pain and limited mobility. Along with the infraspinatus, teres…

pectoralis minor muscle
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Pectoralis minor muscle

What is Pectoralis minor muscle? The pectoralis minor is triangular in shape and is under the pectoralis major. Together, they make up the axilla’s anterior wall. Together with other chest muscles, it works various movements of the scapula and can also work as an accessory muscle of respiration. Origin From the anterior third to fifth…