Facial Muscle List
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Facial Muscle List

Facial Muscle Anatomy The facial muscles, also called craniofacial muscles, are a group of about 20 flat skeletal muscles, lying underneath the skin of the face and scalp. The muscles of facial expression (also known as the mimetic muscles) can generally be divided into three main functional categories: orbital, nasal, and oral. Contrary to the…

Risorius Muscle
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Risorius Muscle

Introduction The risorius is a muscle of facial expression that arises in the fascia over the parotid gland and, passing horizontally forward, superficial to the platysma, inserts onto the skin at the angle of the mouth. It is a narrow bundle of fibers, broadest at its origin, but varies much in its size and form….

Mentalis Muscle
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Mentalis Muscle

Introduction: The mentalis is a paired central muscle of the lower lip, situated at the tip of the chin. It originates from the mentum and inserts into the chin soft tissue. The primary effect of the mentalis contraction is the upward-inward movement of the soft tissue complex of the chin, which raises the central portion…

Corrugator Supercilii Muscle
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Corrugator Supercilii Muscle

Corrugator Supercilii Muscle Anatomy The corrugator supercilii muscle is a facial muscle located in the forehead region. It plays a crucial role in facial expressions, particularly in frowning and creating vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. The corrugator supercilii is a small, narrow, pyramidal muscle close to the eye. It is located at the medial end…

Orbicularis Oris Muscle
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Orbicularis Oris Muscle

Introduction: The orbicularis oris muscle is a complex of muscles in the lips that encircles the mouth in Human anatomy. It is a sphincter, or circular muscle, but it is actually composed of four independent quadrants that interlace and give only an appearance of circularity. It is also one of the muscles used in the…

Buccinator muscle
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Buccinator muscle

Introduction: The Buccinator muscle is a bilateral square-shaped muscle constituting the mobile as well as the adaptable cheek area. This muscle is sometimes referred to as an accessory muscle of mastication due to its role in compressing the cheeks inwards against molars, thus, aiding in chewing and swallowing. Due to its function of puffing out…

Procerus Muscle
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Procerus Muscle

Introduction The procerus muscle is a small facial muscle located between the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose. It is responsible for causing the skin to wrinkle vertically, which results in the formation of horizontal lines on the forehead. The procerus muscle is a pyramidal-shaped muscle of facial expression part of the glabellar complex….

Nasalis muscle: Anatomy, Origin, Insertion, Function, Exercise
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Nasalis muscle: Anatomy, Origin, Insertion, Function, Exercise

INTRODUCTION: The nasalis is a sphincter-like muscle of the nose whose function is to compress the nasal cartilages. It is the muscle responsible for “flaring” of the nostrils. Some people can use it to close the nostrils to prevent the entry of water when underwater. Origin: Maxilla Insertion: Nasal bone Nerve: Buccal branch of the…

Orbicularis Oculi Muscle
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Orbicularis Oculi Muscle

Introduction The orbicularis oculi is a muscle in the face that closes the eyelids. It arises from the nasal part of the frontal bone, from the frontal process of the maxilla in front of the lacrimal groove, and from the anterior surface and borders of a short fibrous band, the medial palpebral ligament. From this…

Frontalis Muscle – Anatomy and Exercise
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Frontalis Muscle – Anatomy and Exercise

INTRODUCTION: The frontalis muscle is a thin, wide, four-sided muscle located at the top front of the skull. The frontalis muscle only serves for facial expressions. It lifts the eyebrows while looking up thus creating a expression. ORIGIN: It originates from the Galea aponeutorica. INSERTION: This muscle has no bony attachments. The medial fibers continues…