Anatomy of Ankle
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Anatomy of Ankle

Overview The ankle is one of the most versatile and hardworking joints in the human body. It smoothly adjusts with each step to absorb shock, adapt to uneven terrain, and provide the stability and mobility necessary for activities from walking to jumping. Comprised of an intricate network of bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves, and…

Ankle Joint Ligament

Ankle Joint Ligament

The ankle joint is a complex structure that plays a crucial role in providing stability and facilitating movement in the lower extremities. Several ligaments contribute to the overall stability of the ankle, connecting the bones and ensuring proper joint function. There are three main ligaments that form the lateral (outer) aspect of the ankle joint:…

Shoulder Joint Ligament

Shoulder Joint Ligament

The ligaments of the shoulder are strong, flexible bands of connective tissue. They are essential for passive shoulder stability because they maintain the shoulder joints, attach bone to bone, and restrict mobility. The shoulder is composed of several joints, each of which is supported by numerous ligaments. The ligaments in the shoulder aid in pulling the…