microwave diathermy

Microwave Diathermy

Introduction of the Microwave diathermy laws of reflection laws of refraction laws of absorption inverse square law Production of the Microwave Diathermy Parameters of the Microwave Diathermy Principle of application of microwave diathermy preparation of the machine preparation of the patient setting up the position of the machine Application of the microwave diathermy termination of…

long wave diathermy

Long wave diathermy

ABSTRACT Introduction of the long wave diathermy Features of the long wave diathermy parameters of long wave diathermy Pain management application for the long wave diathermy Procedure and application of the long wave diathermy A) Generation: B) Amplification: C) Modulation: D) Isolation: E) Delivery mode: Capacitive Electrodes F) Patient: The condition required for long wave…

Contrast bath therapy

Contrast bath therapy

What is contrast bath therapy? Goals of Treatment Benefits of contras bath therapy Reduces fatigue Decreases muscle soreness Removes excess lactic acid Decreases swelling how to use contrast bath therapy? Equipment used for contrast bath Techniques for use of the contrast bath therapy mechanism of contrast bath Conditions treated in contrast bath A few tips…


Mirror Therapy

Introduction In mirror therapy (MT), a mirror is used to create a reflective illusion of an affected limb to trick the brain into thinking movement has occurred without pain, or to create positive visual feedback of a limb movement. It affects placing the manufactured limb behind a mirror. The mirror is positioned so the consideration…

desensitization technique

Desensitization Techniques

Description People with Complex Regional pain syndrome may exhibit abnormal sensations throughout all or part of the affected area. This often contains improved sensitivity to stimuli such as touch, pressure, or temperature. Desensitization may also be an adequate way to treat hypersensitivity, especially when combined with other medical and/or therapeutic interventions. This therapy strives to…

hamstring muscles pain
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Hamstring Muscle Pain

What is hamstring muscle pain? What is a Hamstring Muscle? Sing and symptoms of hamstring muscle pain Hamstring muscle pain differs from person to person, depending on the source of pain, and can vary in nature. For some people, hamstring pain feels like a sharp, dull, and aching pain in the back of the leg,…

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage (IASTM)

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization 

Introduction Instrument Assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) may be a skilled myofascial intervention utilized for soft-tissue treatment. it is supported by the principles of James Cyriax cross-friction massage. Manual therapies are units practiced by many sorts of practitioners worldwide to alleviate human tormented by myofascial syndromes, improve well-being, and/or increase athletic performance. Instrument Assisted Soft…

sensory integration therapy

Sensory Integration Therapy

Sensory integration Therapy has been used in brain-related conditions that allow patients to take the information they receive from the 5 senses, organize it, and respond appropriately. The human brain also has a vestibular sense (balance) that tells us how to position bodies and heads, and a proprioceptive sense (awareness of the body in space)…

Dry Needling

Dry needling

Dry needling is an invasive technique where a fine needle or acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin and muscle. It is aimed at myofascial trigger points (MTrP) which are hyperirritable locations in skeletal muscle that are associated with a hypersensitive detectable nodule in a taut band. Dry needling is a method physical therapists use…