Green Tea for Weight Loss: Does it Work?


In traditional Chinese medicine, green tea has been used for a long time to cure a variety of ailments, including headaches and wound healing, though it has only lately become popular in the West Green Tea Help Weight Loss.

Green tea’s association with weight reduction has emerged more recently. We’ll examine the supporting data for this assertion in this post along with the best ways to drink green tea to aid in weight reduction.

Together, these mechanisms are referred to as metabolism, which enables the body to transform food and liquids into useful energy. Thanks to its ability to increase metabolic efficiency, green tea may aid in weight reduction. Antioxidant flavonoids known as catechins and caffeine are both found in Green Tea Help Weight Loss.

Both of these chemicals may be able to accelerate metabolism, according to research. While both caffeine and catechin can raise the body’s energy expenditure, catechin can aid in the breakdown of extra fat.

A more recent research looked into the therapeutic use of green tea to help obese or overweight individuals lose weight.

Although research showed that green tea helped people lose weight, the results were not statistically significant, leading the authors to conclude that the effect could not be clinically meaningful.

Green tea has been shown to have some empirical support for its potential to aid in weight loss, even outside of clinical settings. Studies conducted in this area, however, typically use dosages that have higher percentages of caffeine or catechin than what one would find in a typical cup of green tea.

It’s crucial to remember that there probably won’t be many weight reduction advantages to drinking green tea. Green tea’s benefits are somewhat less than those of other healthy weight reduction strategies, such as exercise, which has far larger metabolic advantages.

Frequent exercise and a nutritious diet heavy in veggies are two very successful weight loss techniques. When used with these techniques, green tea may boost their efficacious outcomes.

How to Consume Weight Loss For Green Tea

To aid with weight reduction, two to three cups of hot green tea a day should be plenty. The exact amount will vary depending on the natural metabolism and caffeine intake of each individual.

There are various varieties of green tea, but in terms of weight loss, there’s probably not much of a difference between them. The green teas with the highest nutritious value are probably the unprocessed, plain varieties. Drinking green tea is considered safe.

However, in certain situations, caution is necessary since strong levels of caffeine can be harmful to people who already have high blood pressure or are at risk for cardiac issues.

What Is Green Tea?

Though it appears in many forms, all tea derives from the same plant. You can get green, black, white, and oolong tea from the Camellia sinensis plant. To make green tea, the Camellia sinensis plant’s leaves are steamed.

Since it is not subjected to the same fermentation process as other tea varieties like oolong or black tea, it keeps more of the minerals and antioxidants present in the leaves of the plant.

Other Health Benefits

There are several distinct chemicals found in green tea, such as:

  • Vitamin B
  • flavonoids, 
  • magnesium, 
  • folate
  • additional antioxidants

Numerous health advantages such as:

  • lowering cholesterol 
  • enhancing heart health
  • lowering the chance of Alzheimer’s
  • controlling type 2 diabetes 
  • has anti-cancer qualities

However, there is still conflicting data supporting many of these assertions. For instance, there was insufficient data to support a 2009 assessment of the literature that connected drinking green tea to a lower risk of cancer.

Some evidence that drinking green tea helps lower cholesterol was discovered in a review conducted in 2013. But this was predicated on a limited number of brief research. To sum up, more thorough, extended research is required to determine whether green tea is helpful for any illnesses.


Numerous health advantages may arise from the abundance of minerals and antioxidants found in green tea. Finding out how much it can aid in weight reduction and the most effective way to take it will take more research.

Since ancient times, people have used green tea, which is safe. As a result, for weight reduction and general health, it could be a helpful supplement to a balanced diet and exercise program.

Does Green Tea Help Acne?

Green tea contains plant-based compounds called catechins. Catechins are antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotics. When evaluating the possible health benefits of green tea, researchers usually consider these components.

Green tea contains the catechin component epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). With its potent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant qualities, EGCG may be able to prevent or cure acne.

In a 2017 review of studies, it was shown that green tea’s polyphenols—compounds that help stop the sebaceous glands from creating too much oil—may benefit skin health. Acne can be brought on by an excess of sebum because it can block pores and cause dead skin cells to cling together.

Acne outbreaks may be avoided by lowering the skin’s sebum production. Two short trials that support the topical use of green tea extract for oil reduction were included in a review of skin care products for oily skin.

After applying green tea extract to their skin for 60 days, participants in both trials experienced a slight drop in oil. Using green tea extract topically may help with a variety of skin disorders, mainly acne.

The advantages of using green tea topically or orally, according to the authors, were not always constant. Researchers looked at the effects of green tea supplementation, particularly EGCG, on acne in postadolescent girls in a 2016 study.

The supplements, they discovered, assisted in lessening inflammatory lesions near the lips, chin, and nose.

How To Use

Products containing green tea can be used topically to the skin to cure acne. As an alternative, patients can ingest vitamins. Most studies on green tea and acne have focused on topical application or supplementation.

The majority of research has demonstrated the advantages of employing either of these techniques. The effects of drinking green tea as a therapy for acne are not well studied.

The primary problem is that the amount of chemicals in a drink could not be sufficient to effectively treat acne because the appropriate dose has not been established by researchers.

A person should think about making their own green tea at home if they are interested in consuming it. Premade green tea sometimes includes sugar and chemicals, such as iced green tea in cans or bottles. This could outweigh some possible advantages.


There could be other health advantages to green tea.

  • raising consciousness
  • assisting in the treatment of vaginal warts when on certain drugs
  • lowering cholesterol and blood pressure

Green tea is not recommended for considerable weight reduction or weight control, according to the NIH. Goods making weight-loss claims based on green tea are deceptively advertised because there is no proof to back up these assertions.


Before taking any green tea supplements orally, people should see their physician. To be sure a green tea supplement won’t conflict with any of their current prescriptions, they should discuss all of them with their doctor.

The beta-blocker nadolol, which is prescribed to treat high blood pressure and cardiac issues, may interact with green tea extract. Green tea extract overdosing may cause liver damage, according to the NIH and the European Food Safety Authority.

The NIH also draws attention to potential safety risks associated with the high caffeine content of some green tea supplements.

According to the NIH, there aren’t many negative impacts from drinking green tea. People should be aware, nevertheless, that no research has specifically examined the relationship between green tea consumption and acne.


Green tea may help treat and prevent acne whether taken as a supplement or as an ingredient in cosmetics or personal hygiene products. Green tea pills topical lotions and ointments have both been demonstrated in a number of trials to be beneficial.

A comparable effect might be obtained by consuming green tea, although the optimal dosage is still unknown. It’s doubtful that consuming a cup or two of green tea will have any negative effects and might even benefit your health over time.

Before beginning any supplement, including green tea, people should consult with their physician. For consistent outcomes, anyone with severe or persistent acne should consult a doctor.

Green Tea Weight Loss Claims

Without a doubt, green tea is healthful. If you combine water with leaves, you truly can’t go wrong! But aside from that, green tea is thought to be among the healthiest drinks in the world. This is due to the fact that it is brimming with beneficial plant chemicals and antioxidants, all of which have several potential health advantages, weight loss being only one of them.

How To Lose Weight With Green Tea

  • Let’s examine a few of the numerous advantages of green tea for losing weight.
  • What’s inside matters: chemicals that burn fat.
  • Naturally occurring in green tea are several very healthful chemicals, the two primary ones being:

Caffeine & Weight Loss

Many of us depend on coffee to wake us up and make us feel energized for the day. Furthermore, although the majority of us go for coffee right away, green tea may also provide an energy boost.

You might get more caffeine from a cup of coffee (100–140 mg) than from a typical cup of green tea (75 mg).

There is ample evidence to support the claims made about caffeine’s ability to increase fat-burning and enhance workout performance. Combining exercise with more calorie burning makes this a winning combination.

One of the most effective strategies to lose stubborn excess fat is to mix a balanced diet low in calories with an additional burn. It’s included in many pre-workout and fat-burning products because of this.

Antioxidants & Weight Loss

Plant-based chemicals known as antioxidants aid in the body’s defense against “free radicals,” which are atoms that cause more oxidative stress in our systems. Because it is less processed than black tea, green tea has more antioxidants and hence health advantages.

Polyphenols, a class of antioxidants found in green tea, can account for as much as 30% of its dry weight. Catechins, another name for flavonols, make up the majority of them.

Studies on green tea catechins have been conducted because scientists are growing more and more interested in these compounds’ potential to help with fat loss. EGCGs, which are tea catechins, appear to have anti-obesity characteristics.

A multitude of causes may be behind this. Research on humans has revealed that by speeding up our bodies’ metabolism and oxidation of fat, drinking green tea and green tea extracts may help lower body weight and fat.

Just EGCG has the ability to promote fat oxidation in humans, according to research done on obese men. Compared to individuals who received a placebo, those who received 300 mg of EGCG for two days showed higher levels of fat oxidation.

Since green tea extract is stronger than brewed green tea, it is used in many green tea investigations. Having said that, you will need to drink more of the beverage in order to get the same amount of green tea extract.


  • High quantities of antioxidants and caffeine found in green tea may aid in fat burning.
  • Caffeine is an energy enhancer, fat burner, and performance enhancer in sports.
  • EGCCs, which are abundant in green tea and seem to have anti-obesity properties, are antioxidants.

Additional Ways Green Tea Promotes Weight Loss

Gets Fat Cells Moving:

Your body turns to fat cells for fuel when you don’t eat enough calories to maintain your weight, such as when you go for a run but don’t eat enough to stay at that weight. Our bodies must break down and transfer fat from our fat cells into the circulation in order for it to be burnt.

Norepinephrine and other fat-burning hormones to help with all of this. The primary antioxidant in green tea, EGCG, is known to prevent the enzyme that typically breaks down norepinephrine, thus it can help maintain appropriate levels of the hormone.

More fat may be broken down by the body and released into the circulation to provide energy as a result. Increased norepinephrine = increased EGCG = increased fat breakdown!


  • The EGCE in green tea increases norepinephrine, which aids in the body’s ability to break down fat.

2 Encourages you to Work Out Harder and Burn More Fat

Exercise is among the best strategies for shedding excess body fat. By making your body use fat reserves for energy, it increases total calorie expenditure.

For instance, your body will have to turn to fat for energy if you run 400 calories in the morning but just consume a banana for breakfast (about 100 calories). For good reason, green tea extract is used in the majority of weight-loss and fat-burning solutions.

Caffeine, which is present in green tea, might help you feel energized before exercising. It might also enhance the amount of fat burned during physical activity.

In research including thirty minutes of cycling by healthy, active males of normal weight, those who took a green tea catechins supplement 24 hours prior to the activity burned 17% more weight gain compared to placebo-takers.


  • Green tea contains caffeine, which has been shown to enhance performance and motivate exercise.
  • Additionally, it could be able to help you burn more fat.

Green Tea Metabolism Benefits

The final stage of all the chemical reactions your body goes through to sustain life is metabolism. Metabolic function includes everything from breathing and cell repair to dividing food into micronutrients and macronutrients and delivering them to the right places.

It takes on even more significance when you’re attempting to reduce weight. This is because each of these bodily functions requires a specific quantity of energy, which is dictated by a number of variables including height, weight, age, degree of daily activity, and muscle mass.

Your body will store surplus fat cells as energy if you give it fewer calories than it needs to function on a regular basis. Voila! You will lose weight.

Green tea or EGCG pills may help increase your metabolism and burn more calories even while you’re at rest, according to a number of studies. According to the majority of research, it raised metabolism by about 3-4%, and some even reported an 8% increase.

That means if you burn 1800 calories a day on average, drinking or taking a green tea supplement might help your body burn an additional 54–72 calories every day without requiring you to do anything more than raise your cup to your lips.

Coffee includes caffeine, which is similar to drinking green tea in that it will likely increase your metabolism. Yet, other studies have indicated that green tea possesses other qualities that may affect metabolism; caffeine is not the only active ingredient.

In one study, the effects of caffeine alone vs green tea catechin extract on the metabolic rate of young, healthy, sedentary males were examined.

Researchers discovered that although the groups given either caffeine or a placebo showed no discernible improvements, the green tea blend significantly enhanced energy expenditure (4%) and fat burning.


  • Your body will burn more calories if you take supplements containing EGCG and green tea.

May Reduce Your Food Cravings

Many studies suggest that drinking green tea can increase your body’s energy expenditure, which can help you burn more fat and lose weight. However, there is little evidence that green tea might decrease your hunger.

Research on the benefits of green tea for lowering hunger and consuming fewer calories has yielded mixed findings. But since green tea is a limited ingredient, we believe you should give it a rest.

Dehydration, on the other hand, is known to induce “false hunger,” when all we actually need is a pleasant drink. Therefore, try brewing yourself a relaxing cup of green tea the next time you feel like snacking in between meals and don’t want to give in just yet to see if it helps you resist reaching for the biscuit pan.


  • Green tea might lessen appetite for eating.

Targets The Most Dangerous Body Fat

The majority of us concentrate on the fat that is physically visible to us and that we wish to lose when we consider body fat. Nonetheless, a certain amount of extra fat is located around some vital organs, deep within our bodies.

This “hidden” fat is called visceral fat, or gut fat occasionally. Although some of this fat is necessary to preserve our organs, it may be harmful to have too much of it.

You have a higher risk of acquiring diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease if you have large levels of visceral fat. According to certain research, green tea may aid in reducing visceral fat.

This indicates that while drinking green tea may not help you lose fat in the areas you want, it may help lower this hazardous fat that is “hidden.”

An investigation on the potential benefits of catechin-enriched green tea was conducted on Chinese people who had a high percentage of visceral fat in their abdomens.

During the course of the 12-week trial, it was discovered that the group of people who drank green tea daily lost more visceral fat than the group that received a placebo.


  • Green tea may be able to reduce visceral fat, which increases your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

In order to lose weight, how many cups of green tea should you drink each day?

While some like to drink the minimal amount of green tea required to get effects, others enjoy drinking it continuously. However, what is the precise? There are differing views on this topic; some studies claim that you should only drink one cup per day, while others recommend three to five cups.

If you’re attempting to lose weight, drinking two to three cups of green tea every day or switching to green tea instead of all your hot beverages sounds like a logical choice.

Thirteen Everyone has a varied metabolism and tolerance to caffeine, so experiment to find the right amount to consume. Given its numerous health advantages and low-calorie content, green tea is unlikely to be harmful to you.

However, it is always advisable to see your doctor if you have developed a liking for green tea and want to drink a lot of it, as high caffeine intake can be problematic for some individuals, such as those who have high blood pressure.


Can green tea reduce belly fat?

Green Tea Is Beneficial for Fat Loss, Particularly for Hazardous Abdominal Fat. The benefits of green tea are not very great in terms of actual pounds lost. While a large body of research demonstrates that weight loss is a real phenomenon, some studies find no significant impact.

What is the recommended amount of green tea to lose weight?

There are differing views on this topic; some studies claim that you should only drink one cup per day, while others recommend three to five cups. If you’re attempting to lose weight, drinking two to three cups of green tea every day or switching to green tea instead of all your hot beverages sounds like a logical choice.

Does green tea lose weight in 2 weeks?

Over the course of 12 weeks, the green tea group shed, on average, 0.2 to 3.5 kg more than the control group. The weight reduction was not statistically significant in the majority of the investigations. Cups of green tea, which are usually made by steeping a tea bag in hot water, are not covered by this evidence.

What happens if I drink green tea every day?

Green tea has a tonne of chemicals that are good for you. Consuming green tea on a regular basis can aid in weight loss and lower your chance of developing diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, among other illnesses. It appears that consuming three to five cups of green tea daily can maximize its health advantages.

Is a daily cup of green tea enough?

What amount of green tea should one drink each day? Drinking one to three cups of green tea a day might be good for your health. Recall that most green tea, unless decaffeinated, includes caffeine, so consuming more than 6–8 cups per day is not recommended.

Does green tea glow skin?

Green tea has several advantages for your face and appearance. Green tea is a terrific method to take care of your skin and leave it looking fresh and bright. It produces clean, radiant skin and contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities.

Arjun Sharma
Author: Arjun Sharma

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