Ustrasana (Camel Pose)


What is Camel Pose (Ustrasana)? Camel Position (Ustrasana) called as Ustra means Camel and Asana means Position or Posture. Therefore the name Camel Position. It is an intermediate-level back twisting, chest opener position. With the full spine twisted backward, the chest and upper abdomen look like the back of a Camel. Its origin is in…

Developmental Coordination Disorder

Developmental Coordination Disorder

What is developmental coordination disorder? What are the symptoms of developmental coordination disorder? Gross motor control Key problems include: Associated disorders and secondary consequences: What causes developmental coordination disorder? These include: How developmental coordination disorder is diagnosed? Developmental-Behavioral Pediatricians(What You Need to Know): What do developmental-behavioral pediatricians do? Here are certain the things certain developmental-behavioral…

Shoulder Exercises for Arthritis
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Shoulder Exercises for Arthritis

What is Shoulder exercise for Arthritis? Exercises for Shoulder arthritis aim to improve your strength and range of motion. Arthritis can make many movements uncomfortable or painful if done quickly. These exercises concentrate on slow, deliberate motions and stretch to improve your shoulders and relieve pain and tension. When you have osteoarthritis (OA) of the…

Foot Drop
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Foot Drop

What is Foot Drop? A foot drop are used to describe somebody having an issue or inability to lift the front part of their foot. Alternative NamesPeroneal nerve injury – foot drop; Foot drop palsy; Peroneal neuropathy Introduction: Foot drop is the inability to elevate (dorsi flexion) the foot because of weakness or dysfunction of…

Shoulder Exercises for Bursitis
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Shoulder Exercises for Bursitis

Shoulder exercises is the great way to recover naturally for Shoulder Bursitis, Exercise helps to maintain range of motion and function of Shoulder joint and also improve strength and stability. What is Shoulder Bursitis? Bursitis of the shoulder (impingement syndrome) happens when there is swelling and redness between the top of the arm bone and…