How to Improve Poor Posture
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How to Improve Poor Posture

Posture is very important, that timeless advice we’ve probably all heard at one time or another “Stand up straight.”. It’s worth heeding. Good posture is important to balance and by standing up straight, you center your weight over your feet. This also helps you maintain correct form while exercising, which results in fewer injuries and…

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Vastus intermedius muscle: Anatomy, Function, Exercise

The vastus intermedius muscle is a muscle in the thigh. It is located in the quadriceps region, between the other three quadriceps muscles: the rectus femoris, the vastus lateralis, and the vastus medialis. Like the other quadriceps muscles, the vastus intermedius functions as an extensor of the knee. The muscle also plays a role in…

hamstring exercises at home

46 Best Hamstring Exercises at Home: Health Benefits, Exercise Variation

What is a Hamstring exercise? Hamstring exercises are used to strengthen the hamstrings, the muscle group located on the back of the thigh. Tight hamstrings can cause pain in the lower back, knees, and even the lower abdominal region. Hamstring exercises can be performed to increase flexibility, build strength and improve athletic performance. In this…

Norwood Stress Test

Norwood stress test of the shoulder examination

The shoulder is one of the most commonly injured joints in the human body. Injuries to the shoulder include tears, sprains, and fractures. One of the most severe injuries is the dislocation of the shoulder, also known as a “separation of the joint.” The Norwood stress test is a procedure used to measure stability of…

jerk test
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Jerk test of Shoulder : Purpose, How to Perform?

What is jerk test for shoulder? The jerk test of shoulder has been used as a diagnostic test of the posteroinferior instability of the shoulder. Shoulder Pain may or may not be associated during posterior clunking of jerk test. This test help to detect success of nonoperative treatment for posteroinferior instability of the shoulder and…