Dr.Kruti Sorathiya
Bitilasana Yoga Pose: Health Benefits, How to do?
What is Bitilasana (Cow Pose)? This name, Bitilasana comes from the Sanskrit script. The word Bitilasana means Cow Position. Bitila means Cow, And Asana means...
Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)
What is Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose)? Gomukhasana (Cow Face Position) the name comes from Sanskrit words that convert as Cow Face Position in English. Gomukhasana...
What is Matsyasana? Matsyasana (Fish Position) is normally taught as a counter position to the inversion Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana), but it can be a forceful posture...
What is Utkatasana? Utkatasana is also known as Chair Position, one should not think that the meaning of utkata in Sanskrit means chair. Utkatasana is...
Sirsasana Yoga Pose: Health Benefits, How to do?
What is Sirsasana? Sirsasana also called headstand, is the yoga position where you stand reversed on the top of your head on the floor and...
Kakasana Yoga: Health Benefits, How to do?
What is Kakasana? Kakasana- The Crow position obtains its name from a Sanskrit word, Kakasana. Kaka means Crow, Asana means Position or seat or posture....
Naukasana: Health Benefits, How to do?- Variations
What is Naukasana? The name Naukasana is nearby from the Sanskrit words Nauka means the boat and Asana mean Position or seat or Posture. Also...
Sukhasana: Health Benefits, Variations, How to Do?
What is Sukhasana / Easy pose? Easy Position— Sukhasana (SOO-HAA-SAH-NAH)Sukhasana Means The Sanskrit word Sukh means fitness or comfort and Asana means posture. Sukhasana is...