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  • Priti Tirgar


The Best Exercises for Strong, Healthy Ankle Joints

Ankle strengthening workouts can help people with pain, injury, or mobility issues. People can perform most of these exercises at home. The ankle is a...


One of the best things you can do for your overall fitness is to strengthen your core muscles, and there are several Pilates exercises you...

Muscle Soreness in the Buttocks

What is a Muscle Soreness in the Buttocks? Muscle soreness in the buttocks, often referred to as gluteal soreness, is a common discomfort experienced by...


Diverticulitis can induce digestive symptoms and abdominal pain. Some individuals may develop difficulties that require urgent medical maintenance. Although it was rare before the 20th...

Understanding Thumb Joint Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is a Thumb Joint Pain? Thumb joint pain, often referred to as thumb arthritis or basal joint arthritis, is a common condition that can...

How to recover from Muscle Soreness?

What is Muscle Soreness?? Muscle soreness, commonly known as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), is a natural consequence of challenging your muscles during exercise. While...

What is the Cause of the Joint Pain?

Joints are essential parts of the body that assist limbs to move. If a person feels pain in the joints, called arthralgia, it can be...

14 Best Exercise for Posterior Tibial Tendinitis

Engaging in appropriate exercises is essential for managing and rehabilitating posterior tibial tendinitis. A tailored exercise program can help strengthen the muscles and tendons in...

11 Best Exercises for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

When dealing with Sinus Tarsi Syndrome (STS), incorporating appropriate exercises into your rehabilitation routine can be instrumental in managing symptoms and promoting healing. STS is...

14 Best Home Exercise for Wrist Drop

Exercise for wrist drop is an important part of your overall treatment program along with Medical and Physiotherapy Treatment. Wrist drop, also known as radial...