Shoulder Pain: Causes, Treatments & Diagnosis
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Shoulder Pain: Causes, Treatments & Diagnosis

Shoulder pain is a typical symptom that has multiple possible causes. Your shoulder helps you to move your arms. Its wide range of movement makes it more at risk of damage. Some of the most typical causes are arthritis, muscle strain, or dislocation. Therapy could include rest, medications, or surgery but it varies by the…

10 Best Exercises For Shoulder Impingement
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10 Best Exercises For Shoulder Impingement

To alleviate the discomfort and improve shoulder function associated with Shoulder impingement, a combination of strengthening, stretching, and mobility exercises is often recommended. In this guide, we will explore some of the best exercises to help manage shoulder impingement and promote rehabilitation Shoulder impingement is one of the most common conditions of shoulder pain. It…