Test for the pathology related around the wrist joint

Test for the pathology related around the wrist joint:

  • These tests are applied to check the radio ulnar joint of the wrist.
  • These tests are applied by to therapist when the patient is complaining about wrist joint pain.
  1. Ulnar fovea sign test
  2. Ulnar impaction test
  3. Ulnar styloid triquetral impaction [ USTI ] provocation test
  4. Ulnomeniscotriquetral dorsal glide test

Ulnar fovea sign test:-

Ulnar fovea sign test
Ulnar fovea sign test
  • Purpose = This ulnar fovea sign test is used to check the unstable distal radio ulnar joint.
  • Technique = The patient is in a standing or sitting position for the test.
  • The examiner presses a thumb/finger into interval or depression between the ulnar styloid Process & the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon between the anterior surface of the ulnar head & the pisiforms.
  • Result = the test is considered to be positive if the patient’s pain is replicated/the area is very tender compared to the unaffected side.
  • The pain is beloved to be due to distal radio ulnar ligaments & ulnotriquetral ligament.
  • Lunotriquetral ligaments tears are commonly associated with a stable distal radioulnar joint & fovea disruptions are associated with an unstable distal radioulnar joint.
Ulnar impaction test
Ulnar impaction test

Ulnar impaction test:-

  • Purpose = This test is used to check the ulnar impaction test of the ulnar impaction syndrome.
  • Technique = The patient is seated with the elbow flexed to 90 ‘ & the wrist in ulnar deviation movement.
  • The therapist [ examiner ] holds the patient’s forearm with the help of one hand & then applies an axial compression force throughout the fourth & fifth metacarpals.
  • Result = a positive test is indicated by pain & may be related to a TFCC injury/ulnar impaction syndrome.

Ulnar styloid triquetral impaction [ USTI ] provocation test:-

Ulnar styloid triquetral impaction [ USTI ] provocation test
  • Purpose = This test is used to check the pathological impaction.
  • Technique = The patient is seated.
  • The examiner holds the patient’s elbow with the help of one hand while the patient’s wrist is extended & the forearm is pronated.
  • While maintaining the extension movement, the forearm is in a supinated position.
  • Result = pain at the ulnar styloid indicates a positive test for pathological impaction.

Ulnomeniscotriquetral dorsal glide test:-

Ulnomeniscotriquetral dorsal glide test
Ulnomeniscotriquetral dorsal glide test
  • Purpose = This test is applied indicates a positive test for TFCC pathology.
  • Technique = The patient sits/stands with the arm pronated.
  • The examiner places a thumb over the ulna dorsally & places the proximal interphalangeal joint of the index finger of the same hand over the pisotriquetral complex anteriorly.
  • While stabilizing the ulna, the examiner [ therapist ] applies a posteriorly directed force throughout the pisotriquetral complex stressing the TFCC.
  • Result = excessive laxity or patient feeling the pain when the posteriorly directed force is applied, this situation indicates a positive test for TFCC pathology.

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