The figure of Eight Measurement of the Hand:
- In the Figure-of-eight measurements test use a tape to measure the wrist joint.
- This test is an easy way to measure the edema of the hand.
- This test also captures the accumulation in the dorsal hand so that the circumferential tape measurements do not capture the measurement.
- This test is applied to the clinic to check the swelling & edema of the hand.
What is the purpose of the Figure of Eight Measurement of the Hand?
- This is a figure of eight measurements test of the hand is used to the measure of the edema/swelling over the hand.
How do you perform the Figure of Eight Measurement of the Hand?

- The examiner [ therapist ] places a mark on the distal aspect of the ulnar styloid process as a starting point.
- The examiner [ therapist ] then takes the tape measure across the anterior wrist joint to the most distal aspect of the radial styloid process.
- From there, the tape is brought diagonally across the back [ dorsum ] of the hand & over the fifth metacarpophalangeal joint line, across the anterior surface of the metacarpophalangeal joints.
- After that the diagonally across the back of the hand to where the tape started.
- The examiner [ therapist ] may also measure around the proximal interphalangeal joints individually, around the metacarpophalangeal joints as a group & around the palm & wrist joint.
- The values for both hands are compared.
What is Evidence of the Figure of Eight Measurement of the Hand?
- The figure of eight measurement test method is a reliable & valid measurement tool for the measuring of the hand edema in the burned patients than the water volumetry measurement.
- The figure of eight measurement test method is a reliable & valid measurement tool for measuring hand edema in patients with hand pathology.
- ICCs for the intratester reliability of the figure-of-eight method is = 0.96 (SEM, 0.47 cm) for the tester 1
- ICCs for the intratester reliability of the figure-of-eight method is = 0.97 (SEM, 0.41 cm) for the tester 2.
- The Pearson correlation of the coefficient for the concurrent validity is r = .929 (p < .001)