Rotator cuff stretching

Rotator cuff stretching : Health benefits How to do?

Rotator cuff stretching is an important exercise to improve flexibility and function of your shoulder region and also reduces the risk of Rotator cuff injury.

What is rotator cuff stretching?

The Rotator cuff is a term used for the group of four muscles and their tendons, which assist in providing stability and strength to your shoulder during its motion. These muscles are the subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and the teres minor. These originated from the scapula and connect to the humeral head, forming a cuff around your glenohumeral joint.
Your rotator cuff muscles work for executing many upper extremity motions, which may include flexion, abduction, external and internal rotation. They play a key role in any shoulder-related motion and are essential in giving stability to your shoulder joint, also assist to maintain humeral in the glenoid fossa of the scapula.
Stretching of rotator cuff muscles gives you so many benefits in routine life activities. You can give separate stretching of the group of any muscles and you can give group stretching also.

What are the benefits of rotator cuff stretching?

There are certain benefits you can achieve by doing rotator cuff stretching:

  • This stretch gives you flexibility and mobility of the shoulder joint.
  • It increases the range of motion(ROM) of the shoulder joint. such as shoulder flexion, abduction, internal rotation and external rotation motion.
  • This stretch increase chest and upper back muscles range also.
  • This boosts your athletic performance.
  • Decrease pain and tension in muscles.
  • It improves the daily activities of your life.
  • It gives stability to the shoulder joint.
  • This also increases your push and pull performance, like lifting.
  • It increases blood circulation around the joint.
  • It also releases tightness around the shoulder joint.

What are the types of Rotator cuff stretching?

There are so many stretching types that you can do :

  • Doorway stretch
  • Side-lying external rotation
  • High-to-low rows
  • Lawnmower pull
  • Pendulum stretch
  • Crossover arm stretch
  • Two arm wall stretch
  • Passive Internal Rotation
  • Passive External Rotation
  • Sleeper Stretch
  • External Rotation With Arm Abducted 90°
  • Internal Rotation stretch
  • External Rotation Stretch
  • Towel stretch
  • Downward Facing Dog
  • Elbow-out Rotator Stretch
  • Arm up rotator cuff stretch
  • Overhead Stretch

Doorway stretch

How to perform – Stand straight in a middle of a doorway.
Place your both arms out to the side and grasp the sides of a doorway at or below your shoulder height.
Now, slowly lean forward. keep your back straight and shift your body weight onto your toes.
You can feel a stretch in front of the shoulder.
Hold it for 20-30 seconds and perform it 2-3 times.

Side-lying external rotation

Active Outward Rotation exercise in Side Lying
Active Outward Rotation exercise in Side Lying

How to perform – Take a side-lying position on a firm surface, holding a mild weight in the upper hand.
Bend the upper elbow to 90 degrees, maintain the upper elbow against the side of the body.
Let the weighted hand relax toward the ground in front of the body.
Now rotate the arm at the shoulder and bring the weight towards the roof.
When you feel stretched, stop there and hold it for 10-15 seconds and repeat 3-4 times.
Now perform it on another side.

High-to-low rows

How to perform – Attach a resistance band to a static object at or above your shoulder height.
Get down on your left knee so the knee opposite your right arm is raised.
Your body and lowered right knee should be aligned.
Put your left hand on your left knee.
Hold the band securely with your hand and your arm outstretched, pull your elbow towards the body.
Keep the back straight and squeeze your scapulae together and down as you draw.
Hold the stretch for up to 15-30 seconds and do it in 3 sets.

Lawnmower pull

How to perform – Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Put one end of a resistance band under the right foot.
Hold the other end with the left arm, so the resistance band goes back across the body.
Keep your right hand on your hip without locking the knees.
Bend slightly at the waist so the left hand is parallel to the right knee.
Like starting a lawnmower, straighten upright while pulling your left elbow across the body to the outside ribs.
Keep the shoulders relaxed and squeeze your scapulae together as you stand.
Pull it until you feel a stretch and hold it up to 10-20 seconds.
Repeat 3-4 sets.
Perform on the right side.

Pendulum stretch

Pendulum Stretch
Pendulum Stretch

How to perform – Stand at a side of a table or static objects.
Place your left hand on a table for support and lean forward.
The right arm hanging by your side.
Now take your left arm support, move your right into circular motion and then side to side motion.
Slowly return to beginning position.
Do 3-4 circular motions and side to side motion.

Crossover arm stretch

How to perform – Perform it in a standing position.
Raise your left arm perpendicular to the ground and extend it without locking.
Place your right hand to the left elbow for a deeper stretch.
Now slowly pull the left arm across the front of the body.
Hold that position for 10 seconds before relaxing it.
If you want to feel a deeper stretch then give pressure by your right hand.
Repeat on the right side.

Two arm wall stretch

How to perform – Stand up tall with the back facing the wall.
Lift both arms sideways into an L-shape with the upper arms parallel to the ground.
Keep both arms flat against the wall.
Maintain the elbow bending and raise the arms to the wall to bring the palms closer together.
Then move them back downward.
Return to a beginning position.

Passive Internal Rotation

How to perform – You need a prop like stick to do stretching.
Stand straight and hold a stick behind the back with both hands. Both ends you the stick grasp by both hands.
Pull the stick horizontally on the left side, behind your back to feel a stretch on your right side.
Hold for up to half a minute and then relax for up to half a minute.
Repeat on the right side.
Keep your body straight during stretching, don’t lean aside.

Passive External Rotation

Passive External Rotation stretch
Passive External Rotation stretch

How to perform – You need a stick to perform the stretching.
Grab the stick with one hand and another end is grasped by the opposite hand.
Keep your right elbow against the side of the body.
Now push the stick horizontally right side out to your body to feel a stretch on the right side.
Hold it for 15- 30 seconds and then relax for the same as holding time.
Repeat on the left side.

Sleeper Stretch

Sleeper Stretch
Sleeper Stretch

How to perform – Lie on your left side on a firm, flat surface with the left shoulder under you and your arm is bent.
Use your right arm to push your left arm down.
Stop pressing down when you feel a stretch in the back of your left shoulder.
Hold it for 10-20 seconds and relax for up to 10-20 seconds.
Do it on the right side.

External Rotation With Arm Abducted 90°

How to perform – You need resistance or an elastic band.
Make a 3-foot-long loop with the resistance band and tie the ends together.
Join the loop to a doorknob or other static object.
Stand tall with your elbow in a 90° band.
Hold that other end of the loop by your elbow and left up to shoulder height.
Maintaining your shoulder and elbow level, slowly lift your hand until it is parallel with your head.
When you feel stretched, hold there for 30 seconds.
Gently return to the beginning position and repeat.

Internal Rotation stretch

Internal Rotation stretch
Internal Rotation stretch

How to perform – Make a 2-3 foot-long loop with the resistance or elastic band and tie the ends together.
Attach the loop to a doorknob or other statics object.
Stand tall with the loop held by your bending elbow at a side of your body.
Maintain your elbow close to the side and bring your arm across the body.
Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and repeat 3-4 sets.

External Rotation Stretch

How to perform – Make a 2.5 to 3 foot-long loop with the elastic band and tie the ends together.
Attach a loop to a doorknob or other sturdy object.
Stand straight with your is bend, holding a loop around it.
Keep your elbow should be stuck by your side.
Now rotate your elbow outward and hold it.
This stretch holds by 15 seconds and relax.
Do it on the opposite side.

Towel stretch

Shoulder Towel Stretching exercise
Shoulder Towel Stretching exercise

How to perform – You can perform it in a standing or sitting position.
Grab the one towel by your hand and left up to your arm, bend your elbow, so your hand resting on the back.
Now hold the other end of a towel with your opposite hand behind your back.
Then lift your upper hand upward toward the ceiling.
Hold it up to 10-15 seconds and repeat.

Downward Facing Dog

How to perform – Take a position of all four limbs. your both hands and feet touching the floor.
Start with a neutral position, then gently push your hands and feet towards the floor and take downward facing dog position.
Make sure to not press legs to become straight, because you can do this on bent legs position also.
I feel stretched on your shoulders then stop right there and hold for 15 seconds.
Return to the starting position and relax.

Elbow-out Rotator Stretch

Elbow-out Rotator Stretch
Elbow-out Rotator Stretch

How to perform – Stand straight with your hand behind the middle of your back, so your elbow should be pointing out.
Now place your other hand into your bend elbow and slowly pull it forward.
Whenever you feel stretched, hold right there for 20-30 seconds.
Repeat 2-3 sets on each side.

Arm up rotator cuff stretch

How to perform – You need a broomstick for this stretching.
Stand with your arm outward and your forearm directing upwards at 90 degrees.
Put a broomstick in your hand and behind the elbow.
With your opposite hand pull the other end of the broomstick forward. you can feel a stretch.
Hold the stretch for around 15-20 seconds and repeat at least 3-4 times on each side.

Overhead Stretch

Overhead Stretch
Overhead Stretch

How to perform -You need a chair or table or any static object.
Stand with your arms lifted forward towards the side of the object.
Bend forward with your arms should be straight.
Put your hands on an object for support and stretch your shoulders.
Adjust your body to feel a stretch, step forward or back.
When you feel stretched, hold it for 20 seconds and repeat.

Rotator Cuff Stretching precaution and safety

There are some guidelines, you need to follow during stretching:

  • Don’t hold your breath. It can cause tension in your muscles. Breathe deeply and stay relaxed during stretching.
  • Don’t force the stretch beyond the point of mild discomfort.
  • Give stretch only at a point of tension and hold it there.
  • You should never feel any intense or sharp pain. If you feel, stop immediately.
  • You have to consistently. Perform stretching exercise every day will give you benefits rather than doing it once a week for a long time.
  • Holding time is necessary for a better stretch. You have to hold a long enough that is recommended by your therapist.
  • You have to wear loose comfortable clothes, if it is tight then restricts the motion and difficult to stretch.
  • Don’t overstretch your muscles to feel more stretch that gives pain or injuries to your muscles.
Nitesh Patel - Physiotherapist
Author: Nitesh Patel - Physiotherapist

Physiotherapist in Samarpan Physiotherapy Clinic Ahmedabad Bapunagar Amaraiwadi Vastral Mobile Physiotherapy Clinic Dr. Nitesh Patel ( Physiotherapist ) : Mo No : 09898607803

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