Best Knee Strengthening Exercises
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17 Best Knee Strengthening Exercises: Benefits, How to Do?

What are the knee-strengthening exercises? Knee strengthening exercises are a great exercise to make your knee joints & muscles more powerful to perform all your activities with ease without any extra strain and there are many health benefits of it. Your knee are taking all your body weight during day-to-day activity like walking, sitting to…


Mayurasana : Health Benefits, Variations and How to do?

What Is Mayurasana? Popularly known as a Peacock Pose, Mayurasana is a Hatha yoga posture that has been performed for thousands of years. It is arrived from two Sanskrit words: “Mayur” refers to peacock and “Asana” defines posture. It is a non-seated pose that draws inspiration from how it makes you seem like a peacock…

Overhead Triceps Extension
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Exercise of Triceps: Health Benefits, Variation, How to do?

Exercise of triceps is an important exercise to make your arm more powerful to perform all your daily activity such as pushing activity more easily and also have many health benefits. If you add this exercise in your exercise routine, it will improve your overall fitness level and stamina. The triceps muscle is the only…

Hollow Body Hold

Transverse abdominis strengthening exercise: Health Benefits, Types, How to do?

Transverse abdominis strengthening exercise is an important way to make your abdominal wall more stronger and powerful with too many health benefits associated with it. The transverse abdominis is the deepest muscle in the abdomen region. It would not give you the much-desired six-pack look but this unsung hero of the abdominal muscles, this muscle…


Virabhadrasana 1,2, 3: Health Benefits,Types, How to do?

What is Virabhadrasana? Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose is a group of related lunging standing asanas or yoga positions. The pose is pronounced as Vee- Ra- Bha- Dra-asana. In Sanskrit, Vira = Hero or Warrior or Vigorous and Courageous and Bhadra = good or auspicious. Named after the fierce Warrior Virabhadra, as per the Hindu Mythology,…


Shalabhasana: Health Benefits, Types & Steps

What is Shalabhasana? Locust Pose is a moderate back bend that tones and strengthens the entire back. “Salabhasana” (shah-lah-BAHS-uh-nuh) is the Sanskrit word for the position. So, essentially “Salabha,” in Sanskrit is defined as “locust,” and “Asana,” translates as “position.” Locust Pose is a back bend that can help the beginner with deeper back bends…

Rectus abdominis strengthening exercise: Health Benefits, Types, How to do?

Rectus abdominis strengthening exercise: Health Benefits, Types, How to do?

What is rectus abdominis strengthening exercise? Rectus abdominis strengthening exercise is a great way to make your abdominal wall more strong and powerful enough to do all lower back activity with ease and many health benefits associated with it. The Rectus Abdominis made up the top layer of the abdominal muscles, commonly referred to as…


Virasana: Health Benefits, Types, How to do?

What is Virasana? It is also known as Hero Pose, Virasana needs practitioners to adopt a seated stance. It is divided into a kneeling yoga pose and aids strengthen the lower body and improve its flexibility. This posture is often used to prepare the body for meditation or pranayama. Hero Pose (Virasana) is a seated…


Sukhasana: Health Benefits, Variations, How to Do?

What is Sukhasana / Easy pose? Easy Position— Sukhasana (SOO-HAA-SAH-NAH)Sukhasana Means The Sanskrit word Sukh means fitness or comfort and Asana means posture. Sukhasana is called a Comfortable Position. It is commonly translated into English as an Easy Position. Easy called as ‘effortless’. But it is not the ideal translation. It is a radical posture…

Dead Bugs

External and internal obliques muscle strengthening exercises: Health Benefits, Types & How to do?

What are external and internal oblique muscle strengthening exercises? The external and internal obliques are major muscles in the abdominal area. This muscle extends diagonally from the ribs to the pelvis, This obliques plus the rectus and transverse abdominals make up your abdominal wall, These muscles work together to control movement in the spine, rib…