

Introduction There are multifarious sorts of yoga asanas of which the ‘counterbalancing and relaxing variety’ is probably the easiest one. The asanas of this classification aid you relax your body that might be fatigued from the day-to-day work or other intense asanas. Anantasana drops in this classification of yoga asanas. In this yoga pose, you…

Akarna Dhanurasana

Akarna Dhanurasana (Archer Pose)

Introduction Nowadays, with such a hard life, and so many stresses, it is important to strengthen your radiance or internal light. It is said that it is your radiant body that attracts possibility and can influence those who cover you. Archer pose yoga constructs up your radiant body, producing good thoughts and a sea of…

Relaxation techniques
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Relaxation techniques

What are Relaxation Techniques? A relaxation technique is a method used to help a person reduce stress, anxiety, or tension by inducing a state of calmness and relaxation in the body and mind. There are many different types of relaxation techniques, but they all involve consciously focusing one’s attention on a specific sensation, thought, or…



What is Yoga? Yoga is an ancient and complicated practice, rooted in Indian philosophy. It started as a spiritual movement but has evolved recognized as a path for encouraging physical and mental health. The six branches are: Chakras The word chakra means spinning wheel. Yoga claims that chakras are the center points of energy, ideas,…

Brahmacharyasana (Celibate’s Position)

Brahmacharyasana (Celibate’s Position)

What is Brahmacharyasana (Celibate’s Position)? Brahmacharyasana is one of the most uncomplicated and important asanas in yoga with considerable health benefits. The name Brahmacharyasana approach from Sanskrit words, where Brahmacharya means Celibate and Asana means Position or Posture. To compound all the words, it is pronounced as The Celibate’s Position. Their name proceeds from the…

Sankatasana (Difficult Position)

Sankatasana (Difficult Position)

What is Sankatasana (Difficult Position)? Sankatasana is called a Difficult Position. Sankatasana translate Sankata and Aasana known as Sankata means Trouble or Danger, Asana means Position or Posture. Sankataasana or Sankataasana is one of the thirty-two Aasanas (postures) taught in the second chapter of the Gherandasanhitaa: Standing the part under the left knee on the…

Vyaghrasana (Tiger Position)

Vyaghrasana (Tiger Position)

What is Vyaghrasana (Tiger Position)? In Sanskrit, it’s known as Vyaghrasana, Vyaghra means Tiger. Therefore the name Vyaghrasana (Tiger Position). When a tiger wakes up across rest or feels drained, then to strengthen its full body, the tiger stretches from the anterior legs to the back. Vyaghrasana (pronounced vyAa-gHrAa-Suh-nuh) is the right choice between yoga…