flexor hallucis brevis muscle
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Flexor digiti minimi brevis of the foot

What is the Flexor digiti minimi brevis of the foot? The flexor digiti minimi brevis of the foot is a small muscle located in the sole of the foot. It is one of the intrinsic muscles of the foot and plays a role in flexion and stabilization of the fifth (little) toe. This muscle can…

flexor hallucis brevis muscle
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Adductor hallucis muscle

What is Adductor hallucis muscle? The adductor hallucis muscle is an intrinsic muscle, which has two heads. The adductor hallucis muscle is functionally a member of the medial group of plantar foot muscles, which are divided into three vertical groups: lateral, central, and medial. Nevertheless, it is anatomically situated within the foot’s central compartment. Additionally,…

flexor hallucis brevis muscle
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Flexor hallucis brevis muscle

What is Flexor hallucis brevis muscle? The flexor hallucis brevis is a small muscle located in the foot, found deep within the sole, on the medial part. It is part of the intrinsic muscles of the foot, which are responsible for controlling the movement and stability of the foot. Originating from the cuboid bone and…

lumbricals muscle of foot
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Lumbrical Muscles of the Foot

What are the Lumbrical muscles of the foot? Lumbricals are the four small muscles located in the sole. Following the arrangement of plantar foot muscles into four layers (superficial to deep), the lumbricals and quadratus plantae include the second layer. The lumbrical muscles extend at the interphalangeal joints and flex and adduct the lateral four…

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Abductor digiti minimi muscle of the foot

What is the Abductor digiti minimi muscle of the foot? Abductor digiti minimi is a unipennate muscle found in the lateral aspect of the sole. As there are horizontal and vertical sets of foot muscles into four layers and three groups respectively, the complete address of this muscle is that it belongs to them; The…

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Flexor digitorum brevis muscle

What is the Flexor digitorum brevis muscle? Flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) is a broad muscle located deep in the sole. Because the plantar foot muscles can be broken down into groups (medial to lateral) or layers (superficial to deep), there are two ways to specify the exact location of the flexor digitorum brevis: Along with…

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Dorsal interossei muscles of the foot

What are the Dorsal interossei muscles of the foot? The four feather-like muscles in the center of the sole are called dorsal interossei. Dorsal interossei can be grouped because the plantar foot muscles can be isolated into layers (superficial to deep) or groups (medial to lateral). The central plantar muscles, alongside the flexor digitorum brevis,…

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Abductor Hallucis Muscle

What is Abductor hallucis muscle? Abductor hallucis is a fusiform muscle found superficially and medially in the foot. Abductor hallucis, along with flexor digitorum brevis and abductor digiti minimi, make up the first (most superficial) layer of plantar foot muscles, observing the variety of superficial to deep muscles. On the further hand, if the foot…

Extensor digitorum brevis muscle
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Extensor digitorum brevis muscle

What is the Extensor digitorum brevis muscle? The extensor digitorum brevis muscle is a muscle located on the top of the foot. It is situated between the tendons of the extensor hallucis longus and the extensor digitorum longus muscles. Functionally, the extensor digitorum brevis muscle helps with the extension of the toes, specifically the second,…