jerk test
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Jerk test of Shoulder : Purpose, How to Perform?

What is jerk test for shoulder? The jerk test of shoulder has been used as a diagnostic test of the posteroinferior instability of the shoulder. Shoulder Pain may or may not be associated during posterior clunking of jerk test. This test help to detect success of nonoperative treatment for posteroinferior instability of the shoulder and…

Where is SI joint located
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SI JOINT (Sacroiliac Joint) : Anatomy, Movement, Dysfunction, Exercise

Introduction : Anatomy of the Sacroiliac Joint : Joint Capsule : Ligaments : Nerves : Muscles : Movement of the SI joint : Nutation & Counternutation : Nutation occurs: Counternutation occurs : Torsion: Primary mechanisms of to this joint dysfunction include to the : Causes & Risk Factors of this Joint Dysfunction : Symptoms of…

Gluteal Muscles

What Causes Tight Gluteal Muscles?

Introduction of Gluteal Muscles: The gluteal muscles mostly become tight after long sitting position seen in the office workers, overuse, or overactivity mainly in the sports person. Tight gluteal muscles can lead to a number of other injuries, so it’s important to do regular stretching and strengthening exercise help to improve your fitness and reduced…

Codman exercise for the shoulder joint
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How to do Codman exercise for shoulder joint? Benefits, Variations

Introduction Purpose of Codman exercise: Used of to this exercise : In which condition this exercise is help? Benefits of the codman exercise : Position of this exercise: Standing codman Exercises : Benefit : Equipment : Muscles worked in this exercise : Lying codman Exercises : Benefit: Equipment : Muscles worked in exercise : Progression…

Quadriceps Muscle
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Vastus lateralis muscle: Origin, Insertion, Function, Exercise

The vastus lateralis is a long, powerful muscle on the front of the thigh that extends from the pelvis to the kneecap. It is one of four muscles that make up the quadriceps, which are responsible for straightening the knee. The vastus lateralis is the most superficial of the quadriceps muscles, located on the outside…

Knee Joint Muscle
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Vastus Medialis Muscle : Anatomy, Function, Exercise

The Vastus medialis muscle is a part of the quadriceps muscle in the human body. It is located in the thigh and runs from the femur to the patella and tibia. The Vastus medialis muscle is also called the vastus medialis obliquus and is one of the four muscles which make up the quadriceps muscle….

Shoulder Muscles
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Shoulder Muscles Anatomy, Exercise, Name List:

The shoulder muscles play a vital role in the complex mechanics of the shoulder joint. Shoulder girdle movements are supported and caused by the shoulder muscles. They link the appendicular skeleton of the upper limb to the axial skeleton of the trunk. Four of them are on the front of the shoulder, while the others…

List of Core muscles
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List of Core Muscles

Major list of Core muscles are the pelvic floor muscles, transverses abdominis, multifidus, internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis, erector spinae (sacrospinalis) mainly the longissimus thoracis and Diaphragm. Minor core muscles list are the latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus and trapezius. The core muscles have two main functions: List of Core muscles: Major List of CORE…