Coxa Magna

Coxa Magna

What is Coxa Magna? Coxa magna refers to a medical condition characterized by an abnormal enlargement of the femoral head, which is the ball-shaped top portion of the thigh bone (femur) that fits into the hip socket (acetabulum). This condition can result from various underlying factors, including developmental abnormalities, genetic predisposition, trauma, or certain medical…

Pseudo-boutonniere Deformity

Pseudo-boutonniere Deformity

What is a Pseudo-boutonniere deformity? Pseudo-boutonniere deformity, also known as “pseudo-boutonniere,” is a hand deformity that resembles the classic boutonniere deformity but has different underlying causes and mechanisms. The condition involves the abnormal positioning of the fingers, typically affecting the middle joint of the finger (proximal interphalangeal joint or PIP joint) and the distal interphalangeal…

Limb Length Discrepancy

Limb Length Discrepancy

What is Limb Length Discrepancy (LLD)? A limb length discrepancy (LLD) happens when one arm/leg is more elongated than the other leg/arm. A difference in leg lengths is more noticeable and can affect daily activities. There are various causes for a leg length discrepancy, but they generally fall into two main categories: 1) congenital conditions…

Knock Knee (Genu Valgum)
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Knock Knee (Genu Valgum)

What is a Knock Knee? Knock knee, also known as genu valgum, is a condition where the knees angle inward and touch each other when the legs are straightened. This can cause the ankles to be spaced apart, resulting in an awkward gait or stance. Knock knees can occur naturally in children as they grow…