No Pain No Gain
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No Pain, No Gain: A Myth or a Mantra for Success?

No Pain, No Gain. It’s a typical phrase that’s used as one is growing up. Parents and coaches frequently tell their student-athletes, “No pain, No gain,” before a workout or game. It is untrue to believe that you aren’t exercising hard enough if your muscles aren’t hurting. When pain is experienced, exercising through it may…

Blood Flow Restriction Training - BFR-Training

Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFR)

Introduction Muscle weakness is a typical occurrence in several illnesses and diseases. It has been demonstrated that the most effective way to increase muscle strength and achieve muscle hypertrophy is through high-load resistance training. High-load and high-intensity workouts, however, might not be therapeutically suitable in some populations who need muscular strengthening, such as those with…

What Should You Eat Before Morning Exercise
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What Should You Eat Before Morning Exercise: Pre-Workout Nutrition

Instruction Protein and carbohydrates are the two macro-nutrients that are most important for providing the best possible pre-workout nutrition. Because they supply the necessary glucose, which acts as the main energy source for muscular contraction, carbohydrates are important. Muscle glycogen reserves take over as the main energy source, particularly during high-intensity, brief exercise. Therefore, adding…

Fracture of the Lateral Tibial Plateau
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Fracture of the Lateral Tibial Plateau

Introduction Signs and Symptoms Causes Mechanism Classification Diagnosis and Examination Treatment of Fracture of the Lateral Tibial Plateau Non-Surgical Treatment Surgical Treatment Surgical Complications Physical Therapy Treatment Non-Weight Bearing STAGE (NWB) Partial Weight Bearing Stage Full Weight Bearing Stage High Level Outcomes FAQ References

Alexander Technique
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Alexander Technique

Introduction The Alexander technique differs from most other exercise methods in that it is not a physical therapy exercise. It differs from specialized exercises in that it incorporates postural and proprioceptive re-education and, as a result, places a greater emphasis on learning what not to do—learning to recognize, release, and abstain from harmful habits of…

Best Pulling Exercises For Upper Body
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27 Best Pulling Exercises For Upper Body

Introduction: When it comes to developing a strong and well-defined upper body, incorporating effective pulling exercises into your workout routine is essential. Pulling exercises target the muscles of the back, shoulders, and arms, helping to improve overall upper body strength, stability, and aesthetics. In this guide, we will explore some of the best pulling exercises…

positive thinking exercise
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105 Best Positive Thinking Exercises

Introduction In a world often characterized by challenges and uncertainties, the power of positive thinking exercise has emerged as a beacon of hope and resilience. Who wouldn’t want to feel good? Everyone wants to feel happy, comfortable, hopeful, upbeat, and generally optimistic. But days are so irregular sometimes. In a matter of minutes, something could…

34 Ways to Motivate Yourself for WorkOut
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34 Ways to Motivate Yourself for WorkOut

It’s not always easy to find the motivation to exercise, and you’re not alone if you find yourself skipping workouts frequently. It’s true that half of the people who join a gym in January end up canceling within the first six months of use. Furthermore, 4% of new gym members depart by the end of January,…

Increase Your Height
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How to Increase Your Height Naturally

Your height is mostly determined by your genes. You might be able to grow taller with a balanced diet, enough sleep, regular exercise, and good posture, but this is not guaranteed. Several factors contribute to your overall height. It is estimated that genetic factors account for about 80% of your final height. The remainder is…

Strengthening Your Hands
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7 Best Exercises For Strengthening Your Hands

If you were without hands, fingers, or opposable thumbs, you would be pretty limited. Consider all the tasks you would be unable to perform if you did not have a thumb or fingers that moved effortlessly. Drafting, closing a jacket, and squeezing a little object to lift it are only some of the tasks that…