Hip Quadrant test

Hip Quadrant test

  • It is also known as the quadrant scour test.
  • This test is a passive test that is used to assess the hip for the source of to patient’s symptoms.
  • The examiner is not to be confused between to hip & quadrant test of the lumbar spine.

What is the Purpose of the Hip Quadrant test?

  • The purpose of this test is to determine to hip pathology of the hip & a change into ROM.
  • This Hip Quadrant test is applied when the patient is complaining about during ROM in flexion &adduction to flexion &abduction.
  • This Hip Quadrant test is also capable for detect early hip degeneration.

How to perform the Hip Quadrant test?

Hip Quadrant test
Hip Quadrant test
  • The starting position for the test is supine.
  • This patient is positioned on the plinth.
  • A therapist is stand on the side of the leg to be tested.
  • This affected limb is placed into adduction & applied to compression force.
  • This femur is maintained through to through range of 70-140 degrees of hip flexion.
  • After that test is repeated in abduction.
  • A positive test is a reproduction of to patient’s worst pain.

Interpretation of the Hip Quadrant test?

  • This test is considered to be positive if a patient feels any pain.
  • This test is also positive if a therapist is feeling any crepitus or if present to leathery end feeling & loss in ROM mean range of motion.
  • This test is considered to be negative if the examiner is going from ROM in flexion-adduction to flexion-abduction in like as to arch, a patient is felt too normal ROM & with to normal end-feeling.
  • During this test, the patient is also feels stressed/compressed the femoral neck against the acetabulum/pinched many muscles like to adductors longus, pectineus, iliopsoas, sartorius, or tensor fascia lata.
  • The test is worked by scouring to femoral acetabular joint pathology.
  • Compression of the femur through to various ranges, labrum, cartilage, stresses the bone & ligament.
  • While applying this test it is also called to hip clearing test due to low diagnostic accuracy.
  • So that this result is must be Considered with pathology.

Dysfunction of the Hip Quadrant test?

  • A positive of this test is an indication to might be arthritis, avascular necrosis, joint capsule tightness, an osteochondral defect, &an acetabular labrum defect.
  • This test also detects to if a patient’s hip is moved through to full ROM [range of motion].

Evidence of the Hip Quadrant test?

  • This test does not give any significantly useful information.
  • Due to the wide range of structures that are being stressed, its results are to be interpreted with caution.
  • No validity/reliability studies are located for diagnostic validity.

2 cluster diagnoses of this test are:

Cluster 1:

  • Patient feel Pain in the hip.
  • Hip flexion = <115 degrees
  • Hip IR = < 15 degrees

Cluster 2:

  • Patient feel Pain with hip IR
  • AM stiffness = > 60 minutes
  • Age = > 50 years old
  • At least 4 of 5 variables are present.
  • Positive LR is equal to 24.3 [95% confidence interval: 4.4-142.1]
  • Increasing the probability of hip OA up to 91%.
  • Sensitivity of this test = 624-.915
  • Specificity of this test = 436-.754
  • Interrater ICC value of this test = 877
  • LR+ of this test =1.36- 2.44
  • LR- of this test = 514-.586

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