Finkelstein Test

Finkelstein Test

Purpose of the Finkelstein Test: Testing Position of the patient for Finkelstein test: Technique of performance of the Finkelstein test: Result of the Finkelstein test Modification of the Finkelstein test: Interpretation of the Finkelstein test: Importance of Test of the Finkelstein test: Reliability of Test of the Finkelstein test:

Supraspinatus stretch

Supraspinatus Stretch: Health Benefits and How to Do?

Supraspinatus stretch is a great exercise to improve the flexibility of your shoulder with other rotator cuff muscles, This stretching exercise has many health benefits and reduces the risk of injury during performing day-to-day activity. What is Supraspinatus Stretch? The supraspinatus is an upper back muscle that leads to shoulder abduction and stabilization. This is…

Donkey Kicks

Donkey Kick Exercise: Muscle worked, Health Benefits, How to do?

What is a Donkey kick exercise? Donkey kick exercise is an isolation exercise that is sure to give you a great burn while opening up the hips, improving posture, and strengthening your lower body.This is a funny-sounding exercise that has serious benefits. this exercise moves your leg in the air.In this exercise main movement is…

Infraspinatus stretch

Infraspinatus stretch: Health benefits and How to do ?

Infraspinatus stretch is an important exercise to improve mobility of shoulder area, has many health benefits and reduce risk of rotator cuff injury. Regular exercise with other shoulder group muscles improve flexibility as well as you can use as a warm exercise. What is infraspinatus stretching? The infraspinatus is involved in forming the Rotator Cuff…

Pectoral stretch

Pectoral stretch: Health benefits, How to do ?

Pectoral stretch is the important exercise to improve flexibility of your chest muscles mainly Pectoralis major and Pectoralis minor muscles. This exercise helps to improve mobility of chest area and improves your posture. What is a pectoral stretch? The pectoral muscle has 2 types: pectoralis major muscle and pectoralis minor muscle. It is located on…