Plica impingement test of elbow

Plica impingement test of elbow

  • The most common cause of the plica is a Snapping Elbow.
  • A Plica impingement of the elbow joint is inflamed & so that the enlarged portion of the elbow’s joint lining is caught in between the bones of the elbow joint during the motion of the elbow joint.
  • A Plica is caused by anything so that inflammation of the elbow joint, either a traumatic injury of the elbow joint/overuse of the elbow joint.

What is the purpose of the Plica impingement test of the elbow?

  • This test is used to check the plica problems in the elbow joint & radiocapitellar chondromalacia.

How do you perform the Plica impingement test of the elbow?

Plica impingement test of elbow
Plica impingement test of elbow
  • The starting position for the test of the patient in the sitting position.
  • The examiner [ therapist ] applies a valgus load to the elbow while passively flexing the elbow joint with the forearm held in pronation position.

What is the result of the Plica impingement test of the elbow?

  • Pain or snapping between 90′ & 110′ of flexion indicates a positive test for the anterior radiocapitellar plica.
  • It is called to flexion pronation plica test.
  • To test the posterior radiocapitellar plica, the examiner applies a valgus load to the elbow joint while passively extending the elbow joint with the forearm held in supination movement.
  • It is called to extension supination plica test.
  • Pain or a snap would indicate a positive test indicating a positive plica problem or radiocapitellar chondromalacia.

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