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  • Dr.Hitakshi Hirpara


Plantar Interossei Muscles

What are Plantar interossei muscles? The plantar interossei are a group of three small muscles in the sole’s middle area. Plantar interossei can be categorized...

Pyramidalis Muscle

What is the Pyramidalis muscle? The pyramidalis is a pair of triangular muscles on either side of the linea alba in the anterior abdominal wall....

Transversus abdominis muscle

What is the Transversus abdominis muscle? The transversus abdominis (TVA) muscle is one of the key muscles in the core region of the body. It...

Internal abdominal oblique muscle

What is the Internal abdominal oblique muscle? The internal abdominal oblique muscle, also known as the internal oblique muscle, is one of the muscles that...

External abdominal oblique muscle

What is the External abdominal oblique muscle? The external abdominal oblique muscle is one of the four muscles that make up the abdominal wall. It...

Rectus abdominis muscle

What is the Rectus abdominis muscle? The rectus abdominis muscle, commonly known as the “abs” or “six-pack,” is a paired muscle located in the anterior...

Flexor digiti minimi brevis of the foot

What is the Flexor digiti minimi brevis of the foot? The flexor digiti minimi brevis of the foot is a small muscle located in the...

Adductor hallucis muscle

What is Adductor hallucis muscle? The adductor hallucis muscle is an intrinsic muscle, which has two heads. The adductor hallucis muscle is functionally a member...

Flexor hallucis brevis muscle

What is Flexor hallucis brevis muscle? The flexor hallucis brevis is a small muscle located in the foot, found deep within the sole, on the...

Lumbrical Muscles of the Foot

What are the Lumbrical muscles of the foot? Lumbricals are the four small muscles located in the sole. Following the arrangement of plantar foot muscles...