JanviMangukiya JanviMangukiya

What does Vrschikasana mean? Vrischikasana, also known as Scorpion Pose, is a challenging yoga posture that requires strength, balance, and flexibility The title of this...

Introduction Siddhasana is a yoga posture indicated for Meditation. It is one of the ancient yoga poses like Padmasana. Normally, householders don’t bring this pose...

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)
What is Baddha Konasana? Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose) is a seated asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. It opens the hips...

Astavakrasana (Eight-Angle Pose)
Introduction Astavakrasana is a sort of Yoga pose that is dedicated to Sage Astavakra. This is an evolved pose that is said to evoke the...

Ardha Chandrasana
Introduction Over the years, yoga has evolved into a prevalent technique of wellness all over the world. Be it children or older individuals, everyone is...

Ashtanga Namaskara
What is Ashtanga Namaskara? Ashtanga Namaskara, also known as Eight Limbed Salutation or Eight Parts of the Body Touching the Ground, is a yoga pose...

Introduction There are multifarious sorts of yoga asanas of which the ‘counterbalancing and relaxing variety’ is probably the easiest one. The asanas of this classification...

What Is Anjaneyasana? The name Anjaneyasana arrives from Sanskrit words, that resemble the “Son of Anjani”. Anjaneyasana is a mixture of two Sanskrit terms: Anjaneya...

Akarna Dhanurasana (Archer Pose)
Introduction Nowadays, with such a hard life, and so many stresses, it is important to strengthen your radiance or internal light. It is said that...