
Ardha Chandrasana


Over the years, yoga has evolved into a prevalent technique of wellness all over the world. Be it children or older individuals, everyone is practicing yoga as a home exercise to have a healthy body and senses. Even during the pandemic, individuals enrolled in online yoga classes to continue their fitness journey.

The popularity of yoga reaches from its expansive range of yoga postures and the benefits they offer. In this article, we are going to consult one such yoga posture that can be done if you have an intermediate level. It is none other than Ardha Chandrasana. Let’s learn everything about it – from Ardha Chakrasana’s steps and advantages to protection and tips to accomplish it.

For beginners, there is a simple interpretation of Ardha Chandrasana too. Read till the end to discover.

What is Ardha Chandrasana?

The word “Ardha Chandrasana” reaches from Sanskrit in which ‘Ardha’ means Half, ‘Chandra; means Moon, and ‘Asana’ means posture. Thus, it is comprehended as Half Moon Pose in English. The Half Moon yoga posture illustrates the path your body balances during this pose.

The path you balance your body while standing creates quite a challenging posture. This is why Chandrasana yoga is an intermediate posture and should be performed by those who have a clear comprehension of yoga advantages and can competently act in Triangle Pose.

If you are a beginner or newbie, we would instruct that you should rather function on the initial poses for Ardha Chandrasana yoga before proceeding to it the correct way.

How to Do Ardha Chandrasana Step-by-step?

step 1: Start the yoga by keeping the Triangle posture with your right leg ahead and knee bent softly as you get your left hand to the hip.

Step 2: Now, gradually put your right hand on the floor in front of your right foot. The hand should be beneath the shoulder so that you can notice the right posture. Tent your hand so that just your fingertips are feeling the floor.

Step 3: Attempt to straighten your correct leg while lifting your left foot off the floor. Your left leg should be as straightforward as possible.

Step 4: Extend your hips such that your left hip point is deformed
on the right hip point.

Step 5: Nowadays, your left leg will be similar to the ground. Make certain you flex your foot so that the toes point toward the left.

Step 6: Once it is balanced, increase your left arm and extend the chest to create a linear line with your left hand and right leg.

Step 7: In the last step of Ardh Chandrasana, bend your head up so that you can see the left hand’s fingertips. Keep this pose for at least 5 breaths. Recite the pose on the other side.

Ardha Chandrasana video:

What Are the Benefits of Ardha Chandrasana?

Before we delve into the Ardha Chandrasana steps, let us advise you about the advantages you can enjoy from this yoga. Down are a few of the most coveted Half Moon Pose benefits you should know.

1. Improves Body Pose
In Half Moon posture, you have to augment your whole body and this assists in realigning your body to enhance the body posture. This is particularly important for individuals who have long sitting hours and often suffer from poor posture. Including Ardha Chandrasana in their everyday routine can alleviate that and hold a good body pose.

2. Better Body Balance
This is likely one of the most famous Ardha Chandrasana advantages. This yoga posture encourages you to concentrate on your body and hold it still during the pose. A better body balance also enhances body-to-mind connection and prevents future injuries due to poor body balance.

3. Stronger Core Muscles
You need to utilize your core powers to balance your body during Ardha Chandrasana yoga and this can enhance core muscles effectively. Only make sure you even maintain breathing and engage your core via every phase.

4. Stretches The Body
All yoga poses aim at prolonging and relaxing stiff muscles. The Half Moon yoga posture even accomplishes that. It can extend the hamstrings, and extend up the hips, chest, heart, and also arms. In short, it is a great full-body expanse to try at home.

5. Alleviates Back Pain
By lengthening your rear and enhancing body posture, Ardha Chandrasana yoga can even provide relief from back aches. You can even see enhancement in shoulder and neck aches if you notice Ardha Chandrasana pose daily.

6. Reduces Anxiety, Stress, and Depression
Yoga poses even enhance your cognitive health. Ardha Chandrasana pose can even decrease issues such as stress and anxiety by comforting your mentality and freeing happy hormones.

Some other Half Moon Pose benefits

  • Improves digestion
  • Boosts self-awareness
  • Improve body coordination
  • Tones hips and abdominal muscles
  • Removes fatigue and tiredness

Tips and Precautions for Ardha Chandrasana?

Learning about Ardha Chakrasana’s steps and advantages is not sufficient. You need to hold rare things in mind while performing the Pose to produce sure you perform it on the proper path and avoid any complications.

If you are still accomplishing yoga for newbies and want to accomplish this yoga, use a chair for help. You can even use a block to help your hand as you lower it down.

Pregnant women and those who have just delivered delivery should even avoid this yoga. Do not eat heavy food for at least 40 minutes before this yoga. Always conduct warmup postures before Ardha Chandrasana.

If you have low bp, performing a Half Moon posture is not advisable. To know more about the precautions and best tips, it is best to pursue advice from a yoga expert. They can even teach you about other yoga poses to enhance your health.

Risks of Ardha chandrasana

Every yoga asana must be done with good care under the supervision of professionals. Some troubles concerned with Ardha Chandrasana are common with Chandra Namaskar.

Elderly people are urged to abstain from exercising excessively. Any posture of Chandra namaskar should not be performed by women while they are menstruating or pregnant.

Patients with increased blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, stroke, and hernias should not perform this pose. Every exercise should be carried out with ease, deliberately, and mindfully.

You must prevent any type of strain. Start it slow and mindfully, flowing like a ripple from one pose to the next. It is done only 3 to 7 times and is not more useful.

Newbies can do only two to three rounds. Children of at least eight years may begin this yoga pose. Accomplish Shavasana and relax after doing all postures in Chandra Namaskar.

Individuals suffering from knee injuries or aches in the knee or ankle may avoid performing Ardha Candrasana in the full expanse and avoid its deviations.

You must exactly follow the instructions given by your physician and yoga trainer only.



Ardha Chandrasana conducted in variety with Chandra Namaskar is a wonderful yoga posture. It might bring the potential benefits of yoga that improve your fitness, sense, body, and soul.

It might be beneficial for students to handle their aggression, strengthen muscles in individuals who regularly do this posture, and comfort women during pregnancy.

It may start spinal nerves, assist maintain body balance, boost confidence, and maintain overall health.


1.What is Ardha Chandrasana?

Ardha Chandrasana is derived from the Sanskrit Ardha, which means “half,” and Chandra means “moon,” and asana means “seat” or “posture.” This is an elegant, balanced posture that mirrors the vision of the half-moon in the sky and revives the opposite sides of the physical body.

2. What are the benefits of Ardha Chandrasana?

It was found in their analyses that Ardha Chandrasana may ease pressure from the lower abdomen by boosting the spine, ankles, and thighs; opening the hips; stretching the hamstrings, groin, calves, and shoulders. Further, this asana may also enhance balance and relaxes the mind.

3. What are the limitations of Ardha Chandrasana?

Ardha Chandrasana Contraindications: During the preparation of Half Moon Pose, yoga trainers should be aware of its limitations for certain physical disorders. Wound and Surgery: Students with injury in the arms, shoulders, rib cage, spine, hamstrings, ankle, foot, or hip joint should avoid this pose.

4. What is the use of Ardha Chakrasana?

Ardha Chakrasana, or half-wheel pose yoga, is a beginner-level yoga posture. This erect posture yoga has several benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disorders controlling obesity, diabetes, etc. It may even be efficacious in strengthening and lengthening the spinal muscle.

5. What is the caution of Ardha Chandrasana?

There are some health situations in which you should not rehearse this pose. Low blood pressure patients should not rehearse Ardha Chandrasana. Don’t do Ardha Chandrasana if you have diarrhea. Backache and slipped (herniated) disc persons should not accomplish this asana.

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