Priti Tirgar

9 Best Exercises to Gain a Wide-Back
If you aim to gain a wide back then you have to train your traps, lats, or even your rear delts, including these back workouts...

Shoulder Dislocation Rehab: A Safe and Effective Program for a Speedy Recovery
Shoulder dislocation is a type of damage where the humerus head pops out of the socket that is part of your shoulder, resulting in stiffness...

Best Exercise To Gain Shoulder Mass
To build shoulder mass, you’ll want to focus on compound exercises that hit all three heads of the deltoid muscle: the anterior (front), medial (side),...

Does Jawline Exercise Work?
Exercising your jawline is the same as working out any different part of your body. Everyone’s effects will vary in an area due to genetics...

17 Best Exercise For Gluteus Maximus
The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the buttocks and plays a crucial role in various movements, including hip extension, thigh abduction, and external...

Easy Ankle Rehabilitation Exercises You Can Do at Home
After an ankle sprain, it is necessary to start doing exercises again as soon as you can. You may be stiff and sore, but the...

9 Best Stretching Exercises for Hamstring Injury
People who frequently run, climb, leap, or lunge, such as athletes, are more likely to suffer from a painful hamstring injury. Rest, ice, compression, elevation,...

What Is an Example of Aerobic Exercise?
Aerobic workout affects physical activity that improves your breathing and heart rate to fuel your body with oxygen-rich blood. Aerobic training assists in supporting your...

How Long Does It Take to Build Muscles?
Building muscles is a gradual process that varies from person to person based on factors such as genetics, training intensity, nutrition, and recovery. Typically, noticeable...

Your Body’s Biggest and Most Important Muscle
The biggest and most important muscle in our body is the gluteus maximus. The gluteus maximus is responsible for stabilizing the hip joint and plays...