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Does Jawline Exercise Work?

Exercising your jawline is the same as working out any different part of your body. Everyone’s effects will vary in an area due to genetics and how frequently you exercise. However, as long as you attach to it, you should start to see some results over time.

The essential thing is continuity. You should ideally work out the area for 30 minutes at a time for 6 days a week. While that states like a lot, recognize that you can perform out your jawline while completing other tasks (for the most part). If you work from house, you can generally exercise as you organize. 


Multiple analyses have been conducted on face yoga or face exercises to enhance the signs of aging over the face and neck area. These investigations have been conducted on small sample sizes and require further research. However, many females who participated in these studies did note lessened facial sagging and fine lines.

The optimistic result of facial and jawline activities depends on

  • Proper position and posture during activities.
  • At least thirty dedicated minutes of facial exercises.
  • Proper nutrition and decreased alcohol and smoking.
  • Decreased stress.

The jawline is the lower outline of the bone at the base of a person’s skull, a bony structure growing from the chin to the ears. The jawbone can grow in all kinds of angles and sizes and defines the shape of the face. When the bone has a principal angle visible below the ear, it is called a powerful jawline.

Strong jawlines appear more angular and well-proportioned. The size and shape of the jaw depend on aspects, including health, orthodontic development, and age. Teeth grinding conditions, such as Bruxism, can lead to an overdevelopment of lower facial muscles and make the jawline larger. The jawline can also seem larger because of older age due to the sagging of skin after the ears. Raised sodium intake has also been shown to play a part in defining the size of the jawline.

The jawline has always played an integral part in determining a person’s features. Participating in facial muscle exercise can enhance the appearance of the cheekbones and jawbone, giving the face a more defined and toned appearance. The facial muscles are small, therefore they respond rapidly to exercise. Therefore, facial exercises are highly effective in achieving a strong jawline when combined with a healthy diet, skincare routine, and full-body training program. You can look younger or more defined with the help of jawline exercises.

Furthermore, they can lessen jaw, head, and neck discomfort. In the jaw muscles, bones, and nerves, they might lessen the impact of temporomandibular disorders or chronic pain. But results may not appear right away. Keep up the fitness program; the benefits might not be significant. Also, they might not be effective for everyone, and if necessary, a person might seek medical assistance.

How the exercises help your jawline

According to the study, the front neck muscles are usually underdeveloped, interfered with, and rarely exerted in a gym or therapy environment. They can be a major reason for a droopy neck and a hidden reason for neck pain.

The muscles attach from the sternum and collarbone (clavicle) to various parts of the jawbone (mandible). These activities should not only sharpen the jawline, but also control neck pain, headaches, and jaw pain.

Why Do You Need a Strong Jawline?

  • It is connected to athleticism and strength. 
  • It describes character attributes like charm and confidence.
  • A well-defined jawline significantly enhances your face’s beauty.
  • For both men and women, a weak jawline subtracts from your entire attractiveness.

Here we describe different exercises to improve jawline


  • Raise your tongue towards the top of your mouth.
  • Maintain it there for at least fifteen seconds.
  • Repeat this movement ten times, or at least three times a day.
  • The purpose of this exercise is to improve the flexibility of your tongue.

Mewing corrects the resting part of your tongue. At rest, the tongue should inherently touch the roof of your mouth, also learned as the palate. Mewing activity the whole lower half of your face.

Vowel Sounds

  • Unlock your mouth as broad as you can.
  • when you open your mouth wide, you will speak ‘O’, followed by ‘E’.
  •  Pronounce it. Make it a little bit longer.
  • Try not to permit your upper and lower teeth to touch.
  • Do three sets of 15 repetitions.

These exercises work on a variety of muscles in the face and jaw area.

Opening and Closing the Mouth

  • Open your mouth broad and move your lower jaw up and down for up to three minutes.
  • complete this twice or three times a day.
  • You can perform this while walking, sitting, cooking, or anywhere else.
  • Do this movement gradually and gently.
  • A more immediate, gentler exercise will bring more blood into your face, which will enhance your blood circulation.

Do not overdo the extension in the hope of developing your jawline faster. Do not press the rest of your face while you are accomplishing this exercise. This will prevent wrinkles from developing on your face.

Curl Your Neck up

Curl Your Neck up
Curl Your Neck up
  • Lie on your back with your tongue pushed against your palate.
  • Get your chin down to your chest and just raise your head off the ground while the rest of your body stays in position.
  • Do two sets with ten repetitions.
  • When you make up some tolerance, add more sets.

This movement activates the front neck muscles.

Collarbone Backup Exercise

Collarbone Backup Exercise
Collarbone Backup Exercise
  • This training can be completed either by seating or standing.
  • Hold your head level with the floor.
  • Get your head back until you feel the muscles on the sides of your throat stretching.
  • Now bring your head back to the beginning position.
  • Do three sets with ten repetitions each.

Platysma Stretches

  • Seat up straight and push your lips against your teeth.
  • Open your mouth a little, pulling your lips closed and turning them downward, and move your jaw up and down.
  • Do five times of ten repetitions.

This movement stretches big muscles that operate from the jawline to your shoulder.

Resistance Exercise for Jawline

  • Put your elbows on a desk if you are in a sitting position.
  • After that, place your fist beneath your jaw.
  • Simply place your fist beneath your chin if you’re standing.
  • For roughly five seconds, you will open your mouth against the resistance of your fists pushing upward.
  • Relax and repeat ten times.

This movement will strengthen jaw muscles with resistance.

Chin Lifts

Chin Lifts
Chin Lifts
  • In a relaxed standing/sitting position, bring the chin out. 
  • Lean your head back until your eyes meet the roof. 
  • As you look up towards the ceiling, bring the lower lip up towards the roof.
  • You will sense a slight stretch in the muscles near your ears.
  • Maintain it there for about 5 to 7 seconds, then relax.
  • Feel all the muscles tightening around the mouth and under the jaw area in the neck. 

This activity strengthens your cheek, lip, jaw, and neck muscles.


Tongue Curl

  • Stick your tongue out.
  • Move your tongue together and hold it there for 3 seconds.
  • Relax and do ten repetitions.

Safety Regards When Performing Out Your Jawline

  • You want to go slowly when doing any of these activities. The neck and chin muscles are frequently underdeveloped in a lot of people. A muscle strain may be unnecessarily caused by moving too quickly. 
  • In addition, stop doing exercise right away if you feel discomfort at all.
  • Other than that, if you want a more defined jawline, start exercising right now. You’ll feel more confident about your appearance after you gain more definition and treat any acne there. 
  • Exercises for the jawline not only improve appearance but also lessen the possibility of developing temporomandibular joint diseases and persistent neck and chin pain. 

Tips for Achieving Great Results

  • Stop chewing gum. Chewing gum mainly involves using one side of your face. This can result in jawline asymmetry.
  • Before beginning these exercises, see your dentist if you are experiencing any form of acute jaw pain.
  • To ensure appropriate form, perform these exercises in front of a mirror the first few times.
  • Performing each exercise for at least one set of 10–12 repetitions is the desired outcome.
  • Remember to take pictures before and after.

It can be challenging to perform facial change, and not everyone responds to it the same way. Both face yoga poses and face massage methods are considered non-invasive. Prepare to maintain your facial muscles tensed, since they are far more potent than any Botox or surgery. 

Remain persistent. That is ultimately the most crucial action you can take. Even while you might not notice noticeable changes right away, if you quit working out, you never will. By following regular and disciplined practice, these workouts might help you reshape your jawline and face.


What kind of exercise works best for the jawline?

Neck curl-up, chin, and collarbone backup are three of the most powerful jawline exercises.

How long does it take to have a nice jaw shape with the jawline exercise?

Many studies have shown that a sharp jawline can be achieved by engaging in regular exercise for 20 weeks.

How is jawline efficiency affected by exercise?

Regular jaw exercise facilitates the distribution of fat throughout the body. This will contribute to a more toned face.

Can you get a more defined jawline with exercise?

Exercise for your neck, chin, jaw, and other facial muscles can give you subtle changes in your face, like sharper cheekbones and a more defined jawline. According to one study, doing daily face exercises for 20 weeks produced bigger cheeks and a younger-looking face.

How can my jawline get stronger?

With one hand, support the skin on your chin. With the other, tuck the flat of your palm under your jawline and apply firm pressure, sweeping from chin to ear. To firm, tighten, and shape the face, repeat this five to six times on each side.

Are double chins reduced by face exercises?

You can relieve unpleasant neck cramps and lessen the look of a double chin by rolling your neck side to side. Simply rotate your neck in a circular motion, five seconds on each side, from the right to the left.


  1. 9 jawline exercises that make your jawline more defined | Metropolis TruHealth Blog. (n.d.). Metropolis India Lab.
  2. What are the best jaw exercises? Do jawline exercises work? (n.d.). Quora.
  3. Do jawline exercises work? Here’s what to know. (n.d.).
Priti Tirgar
Author: Priti Tirgar

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