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  • Jahanvi Patel


Muscles Of Forearm

Introduction The forearm is a vital anatomical region located between the elbow and the wrist. It contains a complex network of muscles that contribute to...

Serratus Posterior Muscle

Introduction The Serratus posterior muscles are a pair of muscles located in the upper back and chest region of the human body. These muscles are...

Quadratus Lumborum Muscle

Introduction The Quadratus lumborum muscle is a posterior abdominal wall muscle located deep within the belly and dorsal to the iliopsoas. It is the deepest...

Diaphragm Muscle

Anatomy of Diaphragm Muscle The Diaphragm muscle is the primary muscle utilized in respiration, which is the action of breathing. This dome-shaped muscle is found...

Multifidus muscle

Introduction The Multifidus muscle is a group of short, triangular muscles that along with the semispinalis and rotatores include the transversospinal group of deep back...

Obliquus capitis superior muscle

Introduction Obliquus capitis superior, or superior oblique muscle, is a small paired muscle found deep in the upper cervical region, at the base of the...

Rectus capitis anterior muscle

Introduction Rectus capitis anterior muscle is one of the deep neck muscles whose role is to flex the head on the neck at the atlantooccipital...

Rectus capitis lateralis muscle

Introduction Rectus capitis lateralis muscle is a small, paired muscle that is seen within the neck, deep to the prevertebral portion of the deep cervical...

Styloglossus muscle

Introduction The human tongue is an organ that helps the process of digestion by facilitating the manipulation and movement of food particles during mastication and...

Longus capitis muscle

Introduction Longus capitis muscle is a deep anterior neck muscle that drives in front of the cervical spine. Together with rectus capitis anterior muscle, rectus...