13 Best Yoga Pose for Hair Growth
Yoga is an ancient practice that promotes overall well-being, including physical, mental, and emotional health. While yoga is primarily known for its ability to increase flexibility, balance, and strength, it also offers numerous benefits for hair growth. Through specific yoga poses, you can stimulate blood circulation, reduce stress levels, balance hormonal activity, and improve the overall health of your scalp and hair follicles.
What is Hair Yoga?
The spiritual practice performs its charm by boosting blood circulation and correcting cells when you accomplish the lengthening and splitting. Here are 11 yoga asanas for hair growth that will support you bring stronger and longer hair in no duration.
Which yoga is good for hair growth?
Yoga poses like downward dog pose and shoulder stand pose has been established to be among the most influential yoga poses for qualified hair health.
Besides providing you with a leaner body, calmer mind, and clearer skin, it can also give you fabulous hair which makes it worth giving a try. Let us support you with how you can practice yoga for hair growth.
1) Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose)

How to do it: Begin to stand on all fours with your knees and palms on the yoga carpet. Boost your feet and move your legs back to form an inverted V shape with your body. Maintain your knees and arms straightened, and your abdomen pushed inward. Maintain your head down and your eyes on your navel. Breathe in and out and stay in that position for five long breaths.
Benefits: A portion of the sun salutation, is the multiple benefits of yoga asana for the back, head, and sinuses and can support anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Since your head is down for a pair of minutes, the blood flows into the head, reviving the scalp and hair follicles. Yoga for hair growth and shining skin stimulates blood circulation to the scalp which supports in strengthening hair follicles and assists in hair regrowth.
2) Child’s Pose (Balasana)

The Child’s Pose is a rejuvenating posture. It has a positive impact on the ankles and hips, and it best lengthens the whole back. During the Balasana, we are requested to let go and sink deeply into the ground. While at it, we can let go of responsibilities and whatever else is obstructing our path and comfort our minds. This immense comfort from stress, calms and cools the mind. The nervous system brings into a state of regeneration, and this has a positive effect on the adrenal glands and the reproductive glands. This in bend can benefit our hair health and provide more rapid hair growth.
Benefits: Kapalbhati is one of the most famous yoga poses that prevent hair fall and promote hair growth for all the right reasons. When you rehearse Kapalbhati or pranayam, you’re clearing your kapal, i.e. your head, of all the toxins. In addition, this movement also stimulates the oxygen supply to the head and decreases free radicals, thus preventing the damage they could cause.
3) Kapalbhati

Kapalbhati is a purification procedure with amazing advantages. The rhythmic breathing and abdomen movement purify the inner organs and lead to a boost in blood circulation. Revival and rejuvenation resulting from the everyday practice of Kapalbhati are unbeatable.
What one observes instantly after the practice, is a calm and concentrated mind. This pose has an instantaneous effect on the nervous system, which brings it comfort and stimulates regeneration in the entire body, mind, and soul. Through its rejuvenating effect, hormonal inequalities that lead to hair loss can be corrected as well, and hair growth can be positively stimulated.
4) Shoulder stand (Sarvangasan)

How to do it: Lie down on your back and boost your legs and back up in a straight manner. help your body with your forearms and maintain your buttocks straight and up. Let your body relax on your shoulders with your hands holding your backbone straight. Maintain your toes stiff, your neck straight and your eyes on your feet. keep the position, inhale and exhale for a pair of seconds, and then release.
Benefits: Extremely good for the thyroid which affects hair fall, this yoga pose is one of the most suitable remedies for hair growth. It is even useful if you have dry and dull hair. This posture supports nourishing hair by flowing blood to the head and providing you with luscious hair. It supports prevent hair fall and loss and supports regrowing hair. This posture has long-lasting impacts on hair and can turn your thin and dry hair into healthy-looking and perfect hair.
5) Headstand (Sirsasana)

How to do it: Kneel, interlock your fingers, and turn your head downwards on the ground floor. Supporting the crown of your head with your interlocked hands, boost your legs gently to stand upside down perpendicular to the ground floor. Keep your legs close and arms straight. Once your body is stable in this asana, try and hold the balance for a few seconds. Relax your toes and exhale and inhale in the position.
Benefits: It improves blood circulation which helps reduce hair loss and balding and thinning of hair. Plus, this pose is also beneficial in preventing premature greying of hair and helps regrow new hair. The upside-down position causes the dormant hair follicles to reach their maximum growth capacity and thus improve hair growth.
6) Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)

Vajrasana, even named the Thunderbolt Pose, has another word, – Diamond Pose – which arrives from the belief that pranayama done in the Vajrasana position creates the human body as healthy as a diamond. Vajrasana is one of the few postures that are beneficial when done post a meal. This beginner-level Vinyasa-style yoga pose requires to be done for five-ten minutes at least. You can then move onto the child’s pose to give your hip and muscles a good stretch.
Benefits: With everyday practice, Vajrasana treats constipation. It brings equilibrium to the mind, decreases obesity, and reduces anxiety in the back. The asana even treats abdomen diseases, enhances blood circulation, and strengthens muscles.
7) Pawanmuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose)

Pawanmuktasana even named the Wind Relieving Pose, is one of those asanas that can be easily done by beginners. This asana works wonders when it is done in the morning because it clears all the digestive gasses from the stomach and forms a perfect base for further motion. This basic level Vinyasa Yoga asana requires to be kept for 30-60 seconds.
Benefits: Pawanmuktasana enhances digestion and strengthens the abdominal muscles. It even massages your inner organs and intestines. The posture reduces tension in your lower back, enhances blood circulation to the organs, and decreases abdomen fat.
8) Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Ustrasana, even named the Camel Pose, is a backward turn posture that opens up your soul chakra. Hold this basic level Vinyasa poses for 30-60 seconds. Practice the pose in the mornings on an empty abdomen for the best results as your body carries energy from the digested food, enabling you to execute well.
Benefits: Ustrasana enhances digestion and excretion. It opens up your chest, reducing trapped tension. It heals and balances your chakras, enhances your posture, and strengthens your body. It regulates the menstrual cycle and supports release the of tension in the ovaries.
9) Trikonasana (The Triangle Posture)

Stand upright with your feet together and your arms at their sides
Inhaling, boost both your hands in front to shoulder level, eyes focused ahead. Exhale and bend forward from the waist while maintaining a straight spine and legs. Feel your toes with the tips of your fingers, maintaining your arms straight. The spine, head, and neck are kept horizontal, the abdomen is drawn in, and the eyes are fixed on the tip of your nose. Maintain this pose suspending your breath for 6th seconds
Return to the original position, while inhaling.
Benefits: It enhances the mind’s balance.
10) Matsyasana (fish pose)

Famous known as the fish pose, this is among the multiple influential and famous asanas for strong, long, and healthy hair. It is quite comfortable to practice and can be done at home fast without requiring any equipment, like the other poses mentioned above. This yoga posture is known to reduce most hair problems with everyday practice. For performing this pose, lie down on your back and bend your knees inwards, like you do when you sit cross-legged. Now, place your hands next to your hips with your palms facing down. Now, rise by engaging your core but make sure that your head is still touching the ground. Your neck should be whole-arched. Stretch as much as you can and hold the asana for 15-30 seconds.
Benefits: Totally a comfortable asana to practice; this can be done quickly without any equipment. It is popularly suggested for strong and healthy hair as it can reduce most hair issues. Practice this posture every day, and you will see decreased hair fall and improved growth.
11) Balayam yoga

How to do it: One of the easiest mudra yoga for hair growth, this yoga pose can be done sitting anywhere – while you’re out, sitting at home, or waiting for a friend. To do it, bend the fingers of both of your hands towards one another and start rapidly rubbing your nails against one another. Only make sure you escape the nails of your thumb out of this. Spend 10 to 15 minutes each day performing this finger yoga position for hair development.
Benefits: Yoga for hair development involves nail rubbing as an alternative to reflexology. When you rub your nails energetically, it boosts blood circulation to the scalp, strengthening hair follicles and leading to hair growth. Balayam yoga pose is even said to prevent premature greying of hair, so practice this posture every day for visual results.
Do’s/Don’t use it for hair growth.
- Don’t use the hair dryer too much.
- Don’t use hot water for your bath.
- Don’t use the straightener on your hair as it is unhealthy.
- Don’t use an extremely thick and rough towel. The towel should be soft and rub even gently.
- Don’t brush your scalp too much because that pressure on your scalp by combing strongly weakens the hair follicles.
- Don’t apply shampoo every day – too much shampooing weakens your hair. Wash your hair once or twice a week. The best path to dry hair is to dry them under the sun or only maintain them open. Bring a clean towel, scrub it, and leave it.
- Don’t bring too much stress as it hampers your health and the health of the hair Shampoos and conditioners which have silicone, alcohol, and sulfate in them should be avoided as they promote hair loss.
- Avoid utilizing too much of hair styling products like styling, tong, and curler as it creates the hair dry and brittle.
1. Which is the perfect yoga pose for healthy hair?
It has been observed that in many cases, anxiety is a major factor causing hair loss. So, if you can manage to stress better, hair fall can be controlled automatically. In such cases, Adho Mukha Svanasana, or the downward dog pose is an amazing stress-buster.
2. Does yoga reduce hair loss?
Yoga supports promoting blood circulation in the scalp. This promotes the healthy growth of hair. As a result, if you have severe hair loss, you need to start doing yoga consistently and adopting practices that promote healthy hair. Yoga for hair development on a bald head, however, could not be effective; thus, if you suspect alopecia, speak with a trichologist.
3. Which pranayam is for hair fall?
Anulom Vilom– This pranayama supports to balance out the ‘ida’ and ‘pingala’ nadis. This supports bringing rid of free radicals and toxins. An alternate breathing technique is very useful and when done regularly thoroughly purifies the entire nervous system. Benefits the scalp healthiness, you are comfortable, and promotes hair growth.
4. Is Kapalbhati good for hair growth?
Kapalbhati is a purification technique from Hatha Yoga. It implicates strong exhalations and automatic inhalations but at a high rate of breathing. This technique supports eliminating toxins from the all-around head or face region, thus enhancing the flow of pure oxygen and lowering unrestricted radicals. This is said to encourage hair growth. “A few assume it can even invert baldness. Kapalbhati is a breathwork movement believed to cleanse the body and mind. It is assumed that the abdomen compression utilized during this breathing practice massages the organs and cleanses them and that this cleansing leads to the best blood circulation in the body, which would even bring better blood circulation to the scalp. Kapalabhati even calms the nervous system, it is thought that the body, when comfy, is better capable to rejuvenate and regenerate the hair.”
5. Can we grow hair by meditation?
By enhancing the blood flow to our heads, which nourishes the hair cells, meditation may stimulate hair growth. However, there isn’t enough evidence to prove this affirmation.