Utthan Pristhasana (Lizard Pose)

Utthan Pristhasana (Lizard Pose)

What is Utthan Pristhasana (Lizard Pose)? Utthan Pristhasana (Lizard Position) is related to Lunge Position (Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana) but is exercised resting on the forearms. This exercise is a deep hip opener that also selects the gluteus maximus, hip flexors, hamstrings, shoulders, and arms, including the lower back. Included in Vinyasa Yoga Series, the exercise…

Swastikasana (Auspicious Pose)

Swastikasana (Auspicious Pose)

What is Swastikasana (Auspicious Pose)? Swastikasana is a seated position used mostly for meditation. A yoga series that ends with the exercise of pranayama and meditation can be done in Swastikasana. Unlike Sukhasana (Easy Position), Swastikasana essentials deeper flexing of the ankles, and the knees, along with the internal rotation of the hips. A more…

Saithalyasana (Animal Relaxation Pose)

Saithalyasana (Animal Relaxation Pose)

What is Saithalyasana (Animal Relaxation Pose)? Saithalyasana emulates it is named from animal-like cats and dogs. Animal Resting Position is a sitting moderate side twist stretch that requires the bending of the hips as regards one side to complete the forward twist. In Sanskrit, this position is known as Saithalyasana, where the word saithalya refers…

Ustrasana (Camel Pose)


What is Camel Pose (Ustrasana)? Camel Position (Ustrasana) called as Ustra means Camel and Asana means Position or Posture. Therefore the name Camel Position. It is an intermediate-level back twisting, chest opener position. With the full spine twisted backward, the chest and upper abdomen look like the back of a Camel. Its origin is in…

cat and cow (Bitilasana)

Bitilasana Yoga Pose: Health Benefits, How to do?

What is Bitilasana (Cow Pose)? This name, Bitilasana comes from the Sanskrit script. The word Bitilasana means Cow Position. Bitila means Cow, And Asana means Position or Posture. And as considered forward, Bitilasana or Cow Position is done normally in a dynamic way with Cat Position. Here when the exercise is done in a dynamic…



What is Matsyasana? Matsyasana (Fish Position) is normally taught as a counter position to the inversion Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana), but it can be a forceful posture in it is right. Matsya means “fish” and Asana means “posture” or “position”. This asana is pronounced as mut-see-ahs-ana. It is traditionally designated as a back-bend, a position in which…

Chair Pose Utkatasana


What is Utkatasana? Utkatasana is also known as Chair Position, one should not think that the meaning of utkata in Sanskrit means chair. Utkatasana is sometimes converted from Sanskrit to English as “Fierce Seat” or “Powerful Position.” This position is mentioned as the Fierce Position, where Utkata means violent or fierce or severe. This position…


Sirsasana Yoga Pose: Health Benefits, How to do?

What is Sirsasana? Sirsasana also called headstand, is the yoga position where you stand reversed on the top of your head on the floor and thelegs up in the air. This asana can upgrade your physical and mental health and well-being extremely. Due to its many interests, it is one of the main positions in…