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What does Vrschikasana mean? Vrischikasana, also known as Scorpion Pose, is a challenging yoga posture that requires strength, balance, and flexibility The title of this posture arrives from the Sanskrit Vrschika, which means “scorpion,” and “asana,” which means “pose.” Vrschikasana is an advanced inversion that integrates a forearm balance with a backbend. It needs flexibility…

Meninges of the brain

Meninges of the Brain and Spinal cord

Introduction The brain and spinal cord divide from the walls of their bony enclosures or illustrations (the skull and spinal column) by three membranes called meninges. Based on their position, meninges are mentioned as the cranial meninges which cover the brain, and spinal meninges which protect the spinal cord. Notwithstanding the fact that they share…

quadratus femoris muscle
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Quadratus Femoris Muscle

What is Quadratus femoris muscle? The Quadratus femoris is a flat, rectangular shape located in the posterior (back) aspect of the hip joint. It is a member of the lateral, or external, rotators of the thigh muscle group. The quadratus femoris is a small muscle that performs numerous important functions; When the lower limb is…

inferior gemellus muscle
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Inferior gemellus muscle

What is an Inferior gemellus muscle? The inferior gemellus is a small, paired muscle in the lower extremity’s deep gluteal region. It is important for a bigger, tricipital (three-headed) muscle complex called triceps muscles coxae (triceps muscles of the hip) which likewise incorporates the superior gemellus and obturator internus muscles. Gemelli muscles (superior, inferior) are…

gracilis muscle
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Gracilis muscle

What is the Gracilis muscle? The Gracilis muscle is a long and thin muscle situated in the medial (adductor) compartment of the thigh. It shapes a piece of the adductor muscle gathered with the adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, and pectineus muscles. Gracilis is the most shallow hip adductor, overlying the excess four. It…

obturator internus muscle
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Obturator internus muscle

What is Obturator internus muscle? The obturator internus is a bilateral muscle with a triangular shape that is deep within the gluteal and pelvic regions. This muscle is mostly associated with the lower limb. It is made up of the deep layer of muscles in the gluteal region, which is covered by the inferior half…

superior gemellus muscle
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Superior gemellus muscle

What is the Superior gemellus muscle? A small muscle deep within the posterior pelvis is the superior gemellus. The superior gemellus is a member of the deep gluteal muscles group and is located beneath the larger muscles of the hip and thigh, specifically the gluteus maximus. This deep gluteal group’s other muscles are; piriformis, obturator…